
A validation is a piece of dynamic logic that takes a value as its input and returns a Boolean as a result. Within the dynamic logic, the input value is referenced as "value". Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition can use dynamic logic validations in the configuration of fields. Field is a signature assigned to a piece of dynamic logic. A signature specifies the expected in- and output for specific piece of dynamic logic. The following sections each elaborate on one of these signatures.


A field can have zero or one dynamic logic validation defined. The following signature applies:

In / Out Name Type Description



Same as the field data type

The value of the field




True when the value is valid

The output will be interpreted by Oracle Health Insurance according to Groovy truth logic, meaning that in case a null value is returned - this will be interpreted as false.

This signature does not specify a default as-of date. The execution moment depends on the field type; for free fields the dynamic logic validation is executed when entering a value for the free field; for flex fields the dynamic logic validation is executed when entering a flex code. Consider some simple examples of field validations:

The dynamic logic to accept only values in uppercase:

value == value.toUpperCase()

To accept only values is in lowercase:

value == value.toLowerCase()

To accept only values that can be parsed as an integer:


To accept only values that have no more than 40 characters:

maxLength = 40
value.length() <= maxLength

To accept only values between two numerical values:

min = 18
max = 65
value >= min && value <= max

To accept only values in a specified list:

allowedValues = [ "A", "B", "C" ]