Benefit Specifications Export

This chapter describes the function that generates the benefit specifications export payload. This function is triggered by a user selecting an available data set and clicking the "Build" button in the Outbound Data Sets page. This function exports all benefit specifications in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition.

Benefit specifications are configuration rules that are shared by all products. This function can be leveraged when changes have been made to benefit specifications directly, that is, changes to apply to all products that include the changed benefit specifications. Through this function it is possible to update the shared set of benefit specifications rather than each affected product individually.

The XML file produced by this function is structured as follows:


Select Benefit Specifications

The first step determines the list of all benefit specifications present in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition, including those that are not used by any product.

The second step is to generate the country region groups, as these are prerequisite for generating the benefit specifications.

Building the Payload

This step follows the same specifications as described in the Export File Generation document, but restricted to only the following configuration items:

  • Country Region Groups
    Only country region groups that are used by a benefit specification need to be selected.

  • Benefit Priorities
    Only benefit priorities that are used by a benefit specification need to be selected, excluding benefit priorities pointing to a service definition priority with reference only indicator checked.

  • Benefit Specifications

Data set configuration data

The created xml is stored in OHI_DATA_SETS with CODE identical to the string value of the id, a GENERATED_DESCRIPTION value "All Benefits" and as a master the OHI_DATA_SET_DEFINITIONS for "PRD", "BENEFITS", "OUTBOUND".