Purging Data from Activity Processing Technical Tables


The purging of activity processing (ACT) technical tables is implemented in the database as a PL/SQL package.


This procedure purges tables related to activities.

  ( p_keep_days   in integer,
    p_commit_size in integer := ohi_data_purge_pkg.g_con_commit_size



This mandatory parameter specifies the number of days of history that is retained. Records created within the last p_keep_days are not purged but other records are purged. This means records which are between created_Date < = (sysdate - p_keep_days) are purged.
p_keep_days cannot not be less than 30.


A large undo tablespace must be available for the duration of the run to purge a large amount of data. For cases where this is impossible or impracticable, (for example, in managed cloud-based configurations where there is no direct access to the database) it is possible to limit the number of records that are deleted before a commit. Setting the commit size parameter, however, comes at the cost of performance. A smaller commit size generates more overhead. Higher commit sizes make the process faster, but needs more undo space in the database. Use of this parameter is optional.
The default value is 1000.