Product Entity Model

A product represents a set of healthcare benefits that apply to members enrolled on that product, either directly or through a group contract.

Products are created and maintained in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition.


Table 1. Product
Field Description


The code of the product


The description of the product


The status of the product (Edit, Queued, Review, Test, Approved)


A reference to the brand


A reference to the product priority. Determines in which order product benefits are applied in a scenario where a person or object is subscribed to two or more products

Aggregation Level

The aggregation level of the product

Product Line

A reference to the product line

Product Family

A reference to the product family

Funding Arrangement

A reference to the funding arrangement


The currency for amount fields in parameter values


Indicates if the product can be used to make product copies


Indicates if the product has been changed since the last export of that product

Default Start Date

Any product service definition created in context of the product will have its start date set to this value

Validation Status

Indicates the result of the product validation process

Build Number

Integer that is incremented by 1 for each successful build

Product Limit Renewal Period

A product limit renewal period defines the renewal behavior of a limit in context of a product in a specific time period and applies to all the limits referenced by a product service definition contained in the product. A product limit renewal period is converted into a product limit during the product build process. If no product limit renewal period is specified for a limit, no product limit will be created. In this situation OHI Claims will use the renewal and other product’s carryover behavior specified on the limit whenever that limit is used in a product benefit specification.

Table 2. Product Limit Renewal Period
Field Description


A reference to the product


A reference to the limit

Renewal Period

Number of days, months or years after which the limit renews

Renewal Period Unit of Measure

The renewal period is counted in days, months or years


The date that the limit renews (on calendar year or on plan year)

Carry Over Period

Number of days, months or years for carryover

Carry Over Period Unit of Measure

The carryover period is counted in Days, Months or Years

Other Products Carry Over Period

Number of days, months or years for carryover of other products

Other Products Carry Over Period Unit of Measure

The other products carryover period is counted in Days, Months or Years

Start Date

The start date of the product limit renewal period

End Date

The end date of the product limit renewal period

The following business rules are enforced for product limit renewal periods:

  • The end date may not lie before the start date

  • Product limit renewal periods may not overlap in time for the same limit and product

  • The (other products) carryover period length and UoM should both be filled or both be left empty

Product Provider Group

Product provider groups represent the network of providers associated with a product. Product provider groups work in conjunction with the product service definition field "product provider group scope". Consider a scenario where a user configures two product service definitions, both having different benefits. The first applies only to claim lines for which the benefits provider is IN scope of at least one of the product provider groups, the second applies only when the benefits provider is OUT of scope for all of the product provider groups.

Table 3. Product Provider Group
Field Description


A reference to the product

Provider Group

A reference to the provider group

Assigned Provider Group Label

The qualifying label for the assignment of the provider group (if specified Claims will use the policy product provider group(s) with a matching assignment label when determining network status in the claims flow)

Start Date

The first day the provider group is part of the product

End Date

The last day the provider group is part of the product

The following business rules are enforced for product provider groups:

  • The end date may not lie before the start date

  • Product provider groups may not overlap in time for the same product, provider group and assigned provider group label

  • At least one of provider group and assigned provider group label must be specified

Parameter Value

A parameter alias allows the user to specify a parameter value in context of a product for a parameter alias, such as the height of a deductible limit that applies across all benefits specifications that use that deductible limit or the height of the copay that applies to all benefit specifications that use a coverage regime containing a copay that can be parametrized.

Table 4. Parameter Value
Field Description

Parameter Alias

The parameter alias that the value applies to


The maximum amount of the limit / The amount per unit to be used in a cover withhold rule


The currency of the amount (it will automatically be set to the currency that is specified on the product)


The maximum number of the limit

Service Days

The maximum service days of the limit


The percentage to be used in a cover withhold rule


Reference to the product from where the parameter value was set

Start Date

Start date of the parameter value for the combination of the product and the parameter alias

End Date

End date of the parameter value for the combination of the product and the parameter alias

The following business rules are enforced for parameter values:

  • The end date may not lie before the start date

  • Parameter values may not overlap in time for the same parameter alias and product

Product Line

Product lines, product families and funding arrangements are configurable dimensions on the product. Although these are commonly set on a product for informational purposes, they can serve as a trigger on the claims engine, for example, to exclude a certain benefit for a particular funding arrangement.

Table 5. Product Line
Field Description


The unique code of the product line


The description of the product line

Product Family

Table 6. Product Family
Field Description


The unique code of the product family


The description of the product family

Funding Arrangement

Table 7. Funding Arrangement
Field Description


The unique code of the funding arrangement


The description of the funding arrangement

Product Service Option

Product service options are created and maintained in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition. They represent the inclusion of a service option into a product. A service option can contain multiple services.

Table 8. Product Service Option
Field Description


A reference to the product

Service Option

A reference to the service option

The following business rule is enforced for Product Service Options:

  • When a Product Service Option is removed, associated Product Services are also deleted i.e. which share the same Service Option

Product Service

Product services are created and maintained in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition. They represent the inclusion of a service into a product. A service can contain multiple service definitions.

Table 9. Product Service
Field Description


A reference to the product


A reference to the service

Product Service Definition

Product service definitions are created and maintained in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition. They represent the time valid inclusion of a service definition into a product. Attributes affecting the cost share of the benefit specification are defined on the product service definition.

Table 10. Product Service Definition
Field Description


A reference to the product

Service Definition

A reference to the service definition

Start Date

Start date of the inclusion of the service definition in the product

End Date

End date of the inclusion of the service definition in the product


The gender a person must have for this product service definition to be applicable

Age From

The minimum age a person can have for this product service definition to be applicable

Age To

The maximum age a person can have for this product service definition to be applicable

Product Provider Group Usage

The scope of the provider groups of the product, in, out or either

Provider County Region Usage

Determines whether the listed region or group is required for or excluded from the product service definition

Provider Country Region

The benefit only applies if the provider is based in the referenced region

Provider Country Region Group

The benefit only applies if the provider is based in the referenced group of regions

Person Country Region Usage

Determines whether the listed region or group is required for or excluded from the product service definition

Person County Region

The benefit only applies if the person is based in the referenced region

Person County Region Group

The benefit only applies if the person is based in the referenced group of regions

Employer County Region Usage

Determines whether the listed region or group is required for or excluded from the product service definition

Employer County Region

The benefit only applies if the employer is based in the referenced region

Employer County Region Group

The benefit only applies if the employer is based in the referenced group of regions

Specific Provider Group Usage

The scope of the specific provider groups, in or out

Product Service Definition Provider Group

A reference to the code of a specific provider group

Product Service Definition Priority

A reference to the priority of the product service definition

Authorization Regime

A reference to the applied authorization regime

Coverage Regime

A reference to the applied coverage regime

Waiting Period Regime

A reference to the applied waiting period regime

Reservation Regime

A reference to the applied reservation regime

Post Benefits Regime

A reference to the applied post benefits regime

Indicator Authorization Missing

Indication if this is a (coverage) product service definition that applies if no authorization was found


A reference to a dynamic logic condition

Indicator Marked for Selection

Is this product service definition marked by the user in the All Product Service Definitions page?

Indicator New

Is this product service definition marked as new the in the All Product Service Definitions page?

The following business rules are enforced for product service definitions:

  • Either a country region or a country region group can be specified for an employer, person or provider, but not both.

  • The country region usage for an employer, person or provider must be specified when a country region or a country region group is used and may not be specified when these are not used.

  • The specific provider group usage must be specified when a product service definition provider group is used and may not be specified when these are not used.

  • The indicator authorization missing can only have a value if the service definition is of type "Coverage".

  • Age from should not be larger than age to.

  • The end date may not lie before the start date.

  • If the service definition that is referenced by the product service definition has a gender specified, then the gender field on the product service definition must be empty.

  • If the service definition that is referenced by the product service definition has an age from or age to specified, then the both the age from and the age to fields on the product service definition must be empty.

Selected Accumulation Option

Selected accumulation options indicate to which limits a product service definition counts. An accumulation option is a combination of a cover withhold category, a limit and a reached action. For example: the cover withhold category "Deductible" counts towards the limit "In-Network Insurable Entity Deductible" and stops counting when the limit is reached.

Table 11. Selected Accumulation Option
Field Description

Product Service Definition

A reference to the product service definition

Accumulation Option

A reference to the accumulation option

The following business rules are enforced for Selected Accumulation Options:

  • Parameter Alias Usages for the limit linked to the Accumulation Option is also added when a new Accumulation Option is added for a Product Service Definition

  • when a Selected Accumulation Option is removed, the parameter Alias Usage for the limit associated with the accumulation option is also removed (if the limit is not applicable for any other selected accumulation option)

Parameter Alias Usage

The Parameter alias usage defines an alias for a parameter in the context of a product service definition. Whenever a parameter alias is selected (by the user or by the application depending on the number of defined aliases) this then indicates that the product service definition will use that parameter alias (and its associated parameter value) for a limit or a cover withhold category.

Table 12. Parameter Alias Usage
Field Description

Product Service Definition

A reference to the product service definition

Parameter Alias

A reference to the parameter alias


A reference to the limit

Cover Withhold Category

A reference to the cover withhold category

Product Service Definition Provider Group

Product service definition provider groups represent the network of providers associated with a product service definition. Product service definition provider groups are provider groups codes (and not foreign keys). When building a product, the provided codes are matched against the existing provider groups.

Product service definition provider groups work in conjunction with the product service definition field "specific provider group scope". Consider a scenario where a user configures two product service definitions, both having different benefits. The first applies only to claim lines for which the benefits provider is IN scope of at least one of the product service definition provider groups, the second applies only when the benefits provider is OUT of scope for all of the product service definition provider groups.

Table 13. Product Service Definition Provider Group
Field Description

Product Service Definition

A reference to the product service definition

Provider Group Code

Contains the provider group code, either picked from the existing codes from the provider group entity or a new code

Assigned Provider Group Label

The qualifying label for the assignment of the provider group (if specified Claims will use the policy product provider group(s) with a matching assignment label when determining network status in the claims flow)

The following business rules are enforced for product service definition provider groups:

  • At least one of provider group code and assigned provider group label must be specified

Product Message

Product messages represent the result of product validation. For each validation error that is encountered a product message is logged. Next to references identifying the product and the message the entity contains all the placeholder values for the parts of the message that are variable.

Table 14. Product Message
Field Description


A reference to the product


A reference to the message

Message placeholders

Up to ten message placeholders

Product Benefit Specification

Product benefit specifications are created and maintained in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition. The product benefit specification defines the time valid inclusion of a benefit specification in the product. Product benefit specification are created by the build product function.

Table 15. Product Benefit Specification
Field Description


A reference to the product

Benefit Specification

A reference to the benefit specification

Start Date

Start date of the inclusion of the benefit specification in the product

End Date

End date of the inclusion of the benefit specification in the product

Product Benefit Specification Value

A product benefit specification value defines which value (that is an actual amount or percentage) is defined for a cover withhold category within a specific product benefit specification; this value is used in the cover withhold rules that refer to the cover withhold category. They are derived from the parameter values and parameter alias usages during the build of a product.

Table 16. Product Benefit Specification Value
Field Description

Product Benefit Specification

A reference to the product benefit specification

Cover Withhold Category

A reference to the cover withhold category

Amount Per Unit

The amount per unit to be used in a cover withhold rule


The currency of the amount


The percentage to be used in a cover withhold rule

Product Benefit Specification Limit

A product benefit specification limit defines which limit height (that is actual amount or number) is defined for a limit within a specific product benefit specification. In this way, reuse of limits is easy where limits only vary in amount or number, even within the same product. They are derived from the parameter values, selected accumulation options and parameter alias usages during the build of a product.

Table 17. Product Benefit Specification Limit
Field Description

Product Benefit Specification

A reference to the product benefit specification

Cover Withhold Category

A reference to the cover withhold category that counts towards the limit


A reference to the limit

Reached Action

Once the limit is reached (stop/continue) to apply the rule

Exclude From Carry Over?

An indicator with a yes or no values to determine whether a consumption with this product benefit specification limit is part of the carryover.

Maximum Amount

The maximum amount of the limit


The currency of the amount

Maximum Number

The maximum number of the limit

Maximum Service Days

The maximum service days of the limit

Product Limit

Product limits are creating during the build of a product by converting the product limit renewal periods into product limits. They contain the period and (other products) carryover period attributes of the limits. The height of the limit is stored as a value on the product benefit specification limit.

Table 18. Product Limit
Field Description


A reference to the product


A reference to the limit

Renewal Period

Number of days, months or years after which the limit renews

Renewal Period Unit of Measure

The renewal period is counted in days, months or years


The date that the limit renews (on calendar year or on plan year)

Carry Over Period

Number of days, months or years for carryover

Carry Over Period Unit of Measure

The carryover period is counted in Days, Months or Years

Other Products Carry Over Period

Number of days, months or years for carryover of other products

Other Products Carry Over Period Unit of Measure

The other products carryover period is counted in Days, Months or Years

Start Date

The start date of the period for which the limit will be applied

End Date

The end date of the period for which the limit will be applied

Product Filter

Product filters are predefined combinations of search criteria used to search for configured products.

Table 19. Product Filter
Field Description


The code of the product filter


The description of the product filter

Display Sequence

The display sequence of the filter, determines the order when displaying a list of product filters

Product Line

A reference to the product line

Product Family

A reference to the product family

Funding Arrangement

A reference to the funding arrangement

Source Product

A reference to a product functioning as a source product

Source Template

A reference to a product functioning as a source template


A reference to a dynamic logic condition

Validation Check

Validation checks are user defined dynamic logic conditions used to extend the product validation process with customer specific checks.

Table 20. Validation Check
Field Description


The code of the validation check


The description of the validation check


The level on which the check is executed (Product, Parameter Value, Product Service Definition (Single), Product Service Definition (Combination))


A reference to a dynamic logic condition


A reference to a message

Indicator Enabled

Indicates if the validation is executed during the validation process

Product Status History

The product status history keeps track of all status transitions, so that it is possible to trace back who changed the status of the product and when.

Table 21. roduct Status History
Field Description


A reference to the product


The status of the product at datetime

Build Number

The build number of the product at datetime


The user that changed the status of the product


Date and time when the product entered the status