Benefit Export

This section describes the generation of the outbound data file set BENEFITS HTTP. The user initiates this process by selecting an available data set and clicking the "Build" button in the Outbound Data Sets page. The data file set contains all benefit specifications present in the application.

Benefit specifications are configuration rules that are used across products. The typical use case for creating and loading this data file set into Claims occurs when a few benefit specifications have been updated that happen to be used by many different products. In this scenario, re-loading the benefit specifications could be more efficient than reloading all products.

The data file set contains two or more separate data files. The first data file has the type BENEFIT SPECIFICATIONS and holds the following XML payload:


It includes all benefit specifications present in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition, including those that are not used by any product.

The data file set contains one additional data file for each root element in the following list:

  • <countryRegionGroups/>

  • <benefitPriorities/>

The data file that holds Country Region Groups only includes country region groups that are used by a benefit specification. If none of the benefit specifications use country region groups then there is no data file.

The data file that holds benefit priorities only includes the benefit priorities used by a benefit specification. Benefit priorities that link to a service definition priority that is reference only are also not included. If none of the benefit specifications use benefit priorities then there is no data file.