Default Time Periods

Default time periods represent a slice of time. They are used to define the time validity of the values in rate schedule lines and adjustment schedule lines. Since most of these values are updated on a yearly basis, these default time periods are typically configured to span calendar years. This is a configuration choice, as default time periods can be configured to represent any period of time.

The image below shows a rate schedule that is updated once per calendar year. The default time periods each span a calendar year. Each line in the schedule applies to a single default time period.

Default Time Periods

The three schedules in the image represent three views of the same rate schedule, each for a different period in time. To the user, the rate schedule is presented within the context of a default time period, for example, the rate schedule for 2014. The user can switch between the different default time periods, going back and forth through time to see how applicable rates have changed. A default time period has the following fields:

Field Description

Display Name

The display name of the time period, for example, 'Calendar year 2014' (must beunique)

Start Date

The start date for the time period (overlap in time periods is not allowed)

End Date

The end date for the time period

Rate schedule lines and adjustment schedule lines always apply to one single default time period. They also share the same default time periods, for example, the default time period record for calendar year 2014 is used by rate schedules and adjustment schedules. Contracts have their own time periods that is, contract time periods. This makes it possible to apply adjustments based on customized intervals such as a contract year, rather than per calendar year. More information on this topic is available in the Capitation Contracts page of the Operations Guide.