Purging Data from Data File Sets

Data purging involves permanently removing data that is no longer required or does not meet the retention criteria.

This section explains the steps to delete records from the dat_data_file_sets and their associated child tables in a recursive manner. The deletion of records from child tables is conditional, which means that entries are deleted if necessary; otherwise, foreign key values are nullified. This process applies to records with a retention period of more than 30 days.

  • This purging task is also part of the Auto Purge feature, which is disabled by default.

  • The user must manually enable this job for the auto-purge process by changing the enabled attribute using the autopurgemetadata generic API.

  • All generated financial messages are stored in data files. These messages will also be purged when the data files are purged.

Package ohi_purge_datafileset_pkg

The following procedure purges data from datafileset:

procedure purge_datafileset


  p_retention_period number default 30

, p_commit_size number := ohi_data_purge_pkg.g_con_commit_size


end ohi_purge_datafileset_pkg;


  1. p_retention_period

    This mandatory parameter specifies the number of days of history retained before it is considered for purging. Here, the default value is 30 days. A value smaller than 30 for the input parameter results in an error.

  2. p_commit_size

    This optional parameter specifies the number of records purged in a single transaction. Higher commit sizes make the process faster but need more undo space in the database. The default value is 1000.

Purge Data

Entities that Get Completely Purge

The following is the list of entities that are entirely purged:

Entity Name






Nullable Foreign Keys

The following is the list of entities where corresponding foreign key values are set to Null:

Entity Name



Set foreign key to Null