Activity and Data File Set Model

Activity Model

This entity holds the types of activities that are used for bulk data processing. All activity types are seeded and are not user maintainable.

Table 1. Activity Model
Activity Type




Unique code of the activity type.


Description of the activity type.

Active Indicator

Indicates if the activity type is active and can be used.

Display in UI Indicator

Indicates if activities of an activity type can be viewed in the UI or not.

Top Level Indicator

Indicates if the activity type can be started directly.

Type Level

Level on which the activity can be started.

  • GL - Global

  • TS - Transaction Set

  • BF - Base Financial Object

  • CL - Claim

  • AU - Authorization

  • CO - Contract

Dynamic Record Definition

Association to the dynamic record definition that defines the fields that are available as parameters for activities of an activity type and for the parameter sets created for that activity type.

An activity record is a control record for tracking specific execution details of an activity type.

Table 2. Activity Record




The activity that spawned this activity.

Activity Type

The activity type to which this activity belongs to.


Description of the activity.

Internal Remark

Unstructured remarks about the activity.

Extra Info

Data with additional processing information.


The origin of the activity.

  • I - Integration Point

  • M - Manual

  • S - Spawned

Run Datetime

Date and time on which the activity was started.


Status of the activity.

  • BE - Business error

Business errors are foreseen situations in the processing of an activity, foreseen meaning that the situation is identified in the processing description and leads to a specified error. Recovery of a business error normally requires changes to the configuration and/or reference data.

  • CB - Completed with business errors

This status is set for a spawning activity if one or more of the spawned activities has a Business Error and none has a Technical Error.

  • CT - Completed with technical errors

This status is set for a spawning activity if one or more of the spawned activities has a Technical Error.

  • CO - Completed

This status is set if the activity itself and all the spawned activities are completed without any (business or technical) errors.

  • IN - Initial

  • IP - In process

  • QD - Queued

This status is set when an activity is in queue.

  • TE - Technical Error

Technical errors are unforeseen situations in the processing of an activity, caused by for example coding errors or unavailability of system services or resources. Recovery of a technical error caused by erroneous dynamic logic requires debugging the dynamic logic code. Recovery of other technical errors mostly requires actions at system operating level like enabling the system services or resources.

Parameter Set

Reference to the parameter set that was used to start the activity.

Dynamic Record

Reference to the dynamic record that is added to an activity based on the activity type of the activity.

Resubmit Attempt Count

The number of times an activity is resubmitted to recover stuck activities.


  • An activity cannot reference both a parameter set and have a parameter values dynamic record

Activity can cause activity messages.

Table 3. Activity Messages
Activity Message




Code of the message

Element Id

This is for logical grouping of the messages by referencing them to the unit of processing for the activity

Subject Id

Reference to subject involved


Reference to the entity for which the message is meant for, for example, a relation. Subject Id is always used in combination with a reference to entity, where subject id holds the id within the context of that entity

Data File Set Model

A data file set is a collection of the data files which are either uploaded to or generated for extraction by Oracle Health Insurance applications.

We recommend uploading files with sizes under 20 MB. Larger files impact the stability of the system.

Table 4. Data File Set Model
Data File Set




The unique identification code of the data file set


Description of the data file set

Indicator Locked

Indicates if the data file set is available for modification or not


  • Data file set that is locked cannot be modified.

  • Data file set that is locked cannot be picked up for processing by an activity type.

Table 5. Constraints
Data File




The unique identification code of the data file within a data file set


Description of the data file

Content Length

Size of the data file

File Data

The contents of the data file

File Path

The path of the uploaded file


The content type of the data file

Data File Set

Reference to the data file set to which the data file belongs