Customer-Configurable Application Properties

This section explains the properties that customer administrators can update within Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services (OHI CS). These properties include settings related to user interface customizations, cache control, performance tuning, and specific application behavior adjustments.

Only the properties with Change Effective value as After Restart require a restart.

Dynamic Logic


An optional property that determines the timeout of a running Dynamic Logic. If the timeout expires, the system interrupts the Dynamic Logic and throws an exception. The value is in seconds. Please note that when you add/update a Dynamic Logic timeout property, the Dynamic Logic needs to recompile for the property change to take effect. You can do this by using the "Invalidate Dynamic Logic Integration Point".
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 300
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


An optional property that determines the timeout of the running Dynamic Logic. If the timeout expires, the system interrupts the Dynamic Logic and throws an exception. The value is in seconds. This property is for a particular Dynamic Logic code, so replace the placeholder <0> with the Dynamic Logic code for which you want to specify the timeout. Please note that when you add/update a Dynamic Logic timeout property, the Dynamic Logic needs to recompile for the property change to take effect. You can do this by using the "Invalidate Dynamic Logic Integration Point". If this property is not set, it takes the value of ohi.dynamiclogic.timeout (which in its turn has a default of '300').
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Cache Control


This property specifies the code of a OHI_RESOURCE_CACHE_SETTING for metadata settings. See ohi.httpapi.cache.control.enable.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Property to enable HTTP API Caching, which is disabled by default. When enabled, HTTP API will add a Cache-Control header in the response it sends.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Web Service Connection Settings

Enable or Disable logging for rest clients. When "true" will log traffic to external system.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


The rest client cache size.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 500
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


This property specifies the (Jersey/REST specific) authentication mechanism to use for machine-to-machine communication. Allowable values are 'None', 'BasicAuthentication' (and 'OAuth'). The notification key replaces the <0>.
Possible values: String
Default value: BasicAuthentication
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The maximum number of connections in the pool per destination for client <0>. Effective immediately for non-cached clients.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


The maximum number of connections in the pool allowed to be queued per destination for client <0>. Effective immediately for non-cached clients.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


The max time, in milliseconds, to resolve the host address. This property is specific to client <0>. Effective immediately for non-cached clients.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


The max time, in milliseconds, a connection can take to connect to destinations. A value of 0 means never timeout. This property is specific to clientId <0>. Effective immediately for non-cached clients.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


The max time, in milliseconds, a connection can be idle. This property is specific to client <0>. Effective immediately for non-cached clients.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


For the notification media type. Notification key replaces the <0>.
Possible values: String
Default value: application/json
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property is for the notification method type. The notification key replaces the <0>.
Possible values: String
Default value: POST
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

The time in milliseconds before the attempt to connect to an outbound service times out. A value of 0 means never timeout.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 60000
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public

The maximum number of concurrent connections the HTTP client will allow to a certain host at any given moment.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 2
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public

Sets the maximum number of total concurrent connections the HTTP client will allow at any given moment.
Possible values: Integer ≥ value of
Default value: 20
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public

The time in milliseconds that the client will wait for the server to respond to the request. A value of 0 means never timeout.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 60000
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public

The time in milliseconds that the system will wait before it makes another attempt to access a failing service. A value of 0 means no timeout before retrying.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 1000
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public

The number of hours that need to pass between logins before updating the user’s last login timestamp. By default, the last login timestamp will not update more than once per hour. This only applies to logins through a web service
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 1
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Web Service Client Authentication

Outbound RESTful invocations can be secured using Basic Authentication or OAuth 2.0. For details, refer to the relevant chapter in the Security Guide. Each client must be configured separately.

The applicable properties all follow the same naming convention: ohi.service.<0>.client.authentication. The default value is BasicAuthentication. The placeholder <0> is the name of the client.

The basic authentication method for cloud customers is deprecated in the latest release.

Oracle Health Insurance-defined client names are listed as follows:

Web Service: Activity Notification
Client Name: ActivityResponseClient
Relevant Properties: ohi.service.ActivityResponseClient.client.authentication

Web Service: Data Exchange Export Notification
Client Name: DataExchangeExportNotificationClient
Relevant Properties: ohi.service.DataExchangeExportNotificationClient.client.authentication

Web Service: Data Exchange Import Notification
Client Name: DataExchangeImportNotificationClient
Relevant Properties: ohi.service.DataExchangeImportNotificationClient.client.authentication

Web Service: Data Replication Person Events
Client Name: DataReplicationPersonEvents
Relevant Properties: ohi.service.DataReplicationPersonEvents.client.authentication

Web Service: Data Replication Person Entities
Client Name: DataReplicationPersonEntities
Relevant Properties: ohi.service.DataReplicationPersonEntities.client.authentication

Web Service: Financial Message Notification
Client Name: FinancialMessageNotificationClient
Relevant Properties: ohi.service.FinancialMessageNotificationClient.client.authentication

Defining the property for the authentication mechanism must be done in conjunction with defining the credentials that the web service client uses when making the request. The process for entering credentials is also outlined in the Developer Guide.

Web Service Media Type

Specific outbound RESTFul invocations support multiple output formats such as XML or JSON. This can be configured via the media type property. If unspecified, the default value is application/json.

The property name follows the following naming convention:

  • ohi.service.<client>.media.type, where the placeholder <client> is the name of the client.

The names of the clients that support a configurable media type are as follows:

Web Service: Activity Notification
Client Name: ActivityResponseClient
Relevant Properties:

Activity and Task Processing


RESTful Service endpoint URL for delivering the response notification after activity processing completes. OHI Components applications will use a POST operation by default. You can overwrite this by using ohi.service.<0>.method.type, where the notification key must replace the <0>. Sample value is \\http://machine:port/api/generic_notification_service.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Activity type-specific RESTful Service endpoint URL for delivering the response notification once activity processing completes. The activity type code must replace the <0>. For example, REFSHEETLINE_IMPORT. When you do not set this property, the property uses the value of ohi.activityprocessing.notification.endpoint. OHI Components applications will use a POST operation by default. You can overwrite this by using ohi.service.<0>.method.type, where the notification key must replace the <0>. Sample value is \\http://machine:port/api/generic_notification_service.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


By default, amounts are stored with the scale of 2 (two digits after the decimal point). A subset of amounts allows for a higher scale. For example, the premium amounts in calculation results allow up to 12 digits after the decimal point. How many of those additional digits the system actually uses depends on this property. The system can use it to store calculation result amounts with greater scale. An increase of scale allows for sending financial data on a detail level (For example, VAT on a premium for a member) to the financial system and round only after aggregation (For example, on a group account); rounding in an early stage to two decimals leads to a substantial difference with the expected outcome on an aggregate level.
Possible values: 2 ≤ Integer ≤ 12.
Default value: 2
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Decides the creation of non-invoice accounting details in financial message. If set to true, activity creates non-invoice account details in financial message. If the property is set to 'false', non-invoice accounting details won’t be created
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: true
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


For sending out financial message data file creation notification in Generate Financial Message Activity. For FileBased requests. Sample value is http://machine.domain:port/financialmessage/datafile
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


For sending out financial message in Generate Financial Message Activity. For MessageBased requests. Sample value is http://machine.domain:port/financialmessage
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The maximum number of tasks to load into the processing grid.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 1000
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The maximum number of tasks to load into the processing grid - per given activity type.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 1000
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


A non-zero value for this property means that the system retains data (That is, extra_info) for failed attempts.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 0
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Utilized for Select Transactions In Set activity bucketing. It decides how many sub-activities will run in one transaction to improve performance. This one utilizes a technical table to bucketise the working set.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 5000
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


System property that determines whether the parent level/root activities should be throttled.The parent activities spawned by the system (i.e., activities with origin 'Spawned' but not initiated by the user) are not throttled by default. This behavior can be overruled through the activity type specific property ohi.processing.concurrentparentactivities.throttle.<0>.<1>
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: true
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


System property that determines whether the parent level/root activities should be throttled per activity type per activity level.The first placeholder is the activity type code and the second placeholder is the activity level
Possible values: Boolean
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The number of tasks to group (when applicable) into a collection of tasks to put into the processing grid as one atomic unit. This complete collection will process on one processing node.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 400
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Utilized for activity grouping.It decides how many sub-activities will run in one transaction to improve performance. This directly groups child activities according to groupSize.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 200
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Utilized for Generate Financial Message activity grouping It decides how many sub-activities will run in one transaction to improve performance. This directly groups child activities according to groupSize.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 500
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Utilized for activity grouping. It decides how many sub-activities will run in one transaction to improve performance. This directly groups child activities according to groupSize.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 500
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Utilized for Unsend financial messages in set activity grouping. It decides how many sub-activities will run in one transaction to improve performance. This directly groups child activities according to groupSize.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 100
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The number of tasks to group (when applicable) into a collection of tasks to put into the processing grid as one atomic unit - per activity type. This complete collection will process on one processing node.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 400
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The number of loader tasks the system has to spawn, whenever an activity of that type needs to be processed and has child tasks spawned into the grid. These loaders work concurrently on the set of child tasks to spawn.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 1
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The number of loader tasks the system has to spawn for a specific activity type, whenever an activity of that type needs to be processed and has child tasks spawned into the grid. These loaders work concurrently on the set of child tasks to spawn.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 1
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property specifies the time (in seconds) the system holds back a loader task in the grid, in the event it reaches its maximum allowed number of tasks to load and spawn into the grid.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property specifies the time (in seconds) the system holds back a loader task in the grid, in the event it reaches its maximum allowed number of tasks to load and spawn into the grid.- per given activity type.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


System property that determines the number of parent activities that run in parallel by default, if throttling is enabled.The parent activities spawned by the system (i.e., activities with origin 'Spawned' but not initiated by the user) are not considered for size limit by default. This behavior can be overruled through the activity type specific property ohi.processing.max.concurrentparentactivities.size.<0>.<1>
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 8
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


System property that determines the number of parent activities that run in parallel per activity type per activity level. The first placeholder is the activity type code and the second placeholder is the activity level
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The maximum amount of times activity processing will try to send out an 'activity processed' event to an external system.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The maximum amount of times activity processing will try to send out an 'activity processed' event to an external system - per activity type.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Utilized for reading financial message chunks to generate financial messages in flat files or XML. It is used to determine how records will be processed.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 5000
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Amount of delay in seconds (per activity type per activity level) when a task re-queues for another attempt. The first placeholder is the activity type code and the second placeholder is the activity level
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Priority of the task (per activity type per activity level) for execution. The first placeholder is the activity type code and the second placeholder is the activity level
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property specifies the default time (in seconds) that the system holds back a task in the processing grid, in between execution steps. This is typical for parent-child task relationships, where a parent task will has to regularly check on the status of its children.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property specifies the time (in milliseconds) the system will hold an (aggregate) task backfor task loaders to complete their work.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property specifies the default time (in seconds) that the system holds back a task in the processing grid, in between execution steps. This is typical for parent-child task relationships, where a parent task has to regularly check on the status of its children - per activity type.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Specify as per Activity Type

Oracle Health Insurance Value-Based Payments allows to individually specify some of the aforementioned application properties on a per-activity-type basis. This provides finer grained control of loading and processing semantics. The way to accomplish this is to concatenate the mnemonic for the specific activity type after the specific property key, for example:


This mechanism is available for the following properties:

  • ohi.processing.yield.<activity_type>

  • ohi.max.headroom.<activity_type>

  • ohi.processing.groupsize.<activity_type>

  • ohi.processing.loadercount.<activity_type>

  • ohi.processing.loaderyield.<activity_type>

  • ohi.processing.max.numberofretries.<activity_type>

For the mnemonic of individual activity types, see the Developer Guide.

Data Exchange


Reference to URI of the source application to retrieve data-sets metadata to be processed. Either "CONF" or "PRD" as values replace the <0>. It is possible to define multiple URI’s, with ";" separating each.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Allows for web service client interactions to identify their request URI destination. The system uses this property to get the URI for the end point. The notification key replaces the <0>. Sample value is \\http://machine.domain:port/<0>.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Data File Import

The following table lists the technical properties that influence data file (batch) processing performance.

Only make changes to these properties after consulting with Oracle.


A separate processing activity is spawned for processing a chunk or batch of registrations of the specified size.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 1000
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Replicating Member Data

Member data can be replicated from another Oracle Health Insurance application that is referred to as the source system.

The following table lists the parameters:<0>.baseurl

Base URI to the source system; must include the context root for accessing HTTP API services; by default that context root is '/api', you may change it with a deployment plan.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


System property to fetch events created before given number of seconds. The default value is 30s which means events which were created upto 30s before current time will be replicated in target system.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 30
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


Property when set to true fetches events created before current time, when false this restriction doesn’t apply.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: true
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


For specifying the number of seconds between consecutive polls for retrieving events from a replication source.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 1
Default value: 300
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


The maximum number of times the target system will try to connect to the source system to retrieve the events.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 3
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

Data Set Operations


This property is about the Data Set Operations Integration Point, for export usages. It contains a URI that refers to the notification message, once the process of uploading the data set payload completes this message is sent.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public


This property is about the Data Set Operations Integration Point, for import usages. It contains a URI that refers to the notification message, once the process of uploading the data set payload completes this message is sent. Error messages prevent the import from happening.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Next Execution
Access Mode: Public

OAuth 2.0

The Oracle Health Insurance application’s RESTful services can be OAuth 2.0 protected. In that case the application validates and inspects OAuth 2.0 access tokens that are sent as bearer tokens in the HTTP Authorization header.

See the Security Guide for further details about OAuth 2.0 support in Oracle Health Insurance applications.

The following table lists OAuth 2.0 server side properties.


To model the overhead of fetching an access token from an OAuth2 authorization server for caching the access token in the REST client. For example, to account for some network delay between the client and the authorization server. For example, if the authorization server returns a token with an expiry time of 3600 seconds and if the network delay is 100 ms, then you can configure 100 ms for this key. The system will cache the resulting access token for the original expiry time minus overhead time, that is, 3600000 - 100 = 3599900 ms. You must specify the value in milliseconds.
Possible values: Integer ≥ 0
Default value: 10
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


The URL value for the OAuth2 authorization server JSON Web Key (JWK) Set endpoint. The OAuth2 authorization server must support RFC 7517. Token Validation Method is JWKSET.
Possible values: String, URL
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Client Id or audience claim for Token Validation. Token Validation Method is JWKSET.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Issuer for Token Validation. Token Validation Method is JWKSET.
Possible values: String or URL
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Signing algorithm that the Authorization Server uses. Token Validation Method is JWKSET.
Possible values: String
Default value: RS256
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Algorithm for signing the JWT token that an OHI application generates for obtaining an OAuth2 access token through the assertion grant type (where the JWTis used as an assertion). Note that it only supports RSA algorithms.
Possible values: RS256, RS384, RS512
Default value: RS512
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Expiration period (in seconds) for the JWT token that an OHI application generates for obtaining an OAuth2 access token through the assertion grant type (where the JWT is used as an assertion) .
Possible values: 0 ≤ Integer ≤ 9999
Default value: 600
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Specifies the claim in the JWT that can identify the user for which the system creates the OAuth2 access token. Token Validation Method is JWKSET.
Possible values: String
Default value: sub
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Client ID of the OpenID Connect client that has to be present to acquire an access token.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Credential associated with the OpenID Connect client that has to be present to acquire an access token.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


The URL value for the OAuth2 authorization server token validation or introspection endpoint. It assumes that the endpoint supports Basic Authentication. Token Validation Method is OAUTH2_ENDPOINT.
Possible values: String, URL
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Specifies the RFC 7662 defined Introspection Response element to derive the username from. Token Validation Method is OAUTH2_ENDPOINT.
Possible values: String
Default value: sub
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


For Token Validation. Specific issuer identifier. Requires use of properties ohi.oauth.token.issuers and ohi.oauth.token.issuer.<0>.user.claim.
Possible values: String or URL
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


For Token Validation. Issuer-specific user claim. Requires use of properties ohi.oauth.token.issuers and ohi.oauth.token.issuer.<0>.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


For Token Validation. Comma-separated string of possible token issuers. Requires use of properties ohi.oauth.token.issuer.<0> and ohi.oauth.token.issuer.<0>.user.claim.
Possible values: Comma-separated string, e.g. oracle_idcs,azure_ad
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public

Name of JWT assertion parameter used in OAuth token request. It could be different across OAuth server.
Possible values: String
Default value: assertion
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Determines the access Token Validation Method. Possible values: JWKSET: The resource server validates the OAuth2 access tokens . Assuming the token is a JWT, validates it against a JSON Web Key (JWK) Set as defined by RFC 7517. The source of the JWK Set is an endpoint that an OAuth2 authorization server exposes. Use this method to validate ID tokens that an OpenID Provider issues.OAUTH2_ENDPOINT: validates the token using an OAuth2 authorization server’s token introspection endpoint as defined by RFC 7662.
Possible values: JWKSET, OAUTH2_ENDPOINT
Default value: JWKSET
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public

Claims in an OAuth 2.0 token can differ per token issuer. The following example demonstrates mapping a specific claim in an access token to Oracle Health Insurance User based on the issuer of the token:

# configure multiple token issuers as comma-separated string

# configure issuer to user claim mapping for issuer oracle_idcs

# configure issuer to user claim mapping for issuer azure_ad


Monitoring and Metrics


Set to true to tag each metric with the name of the application.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Set to false to enable recording of non-OHI metrics.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: true
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Set to true to enable recording of OHI metrics.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Set to true to enable recording of garbage collection metrics.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Set to true to enable recording of JVM metrics.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Set to true to enable recording of system metrics.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Set to true to enable recording of metrics for the metric set. The placeholder value is the code of the metric set
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: true
Change effective: Immediate
Access Mode: Public


Comma-separated list of resource path segment prefixes for resource client timers that the system interprets as not being the last segment of the resource path.
Possible values: Comma-separated string, e.g. api,oig-api,policies-ws
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Determines whether to publish histogram buckets for the timer you configure.
Possible values: Boolean
Default value: false
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Percentiles for the timer you configure.
Possible values: Comma-separated string, e.g. 0.5,0.75,0.95,0.99
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


The system publishes data for the timer if the tag name that you specify as property ohi.instrumentation.<0>.regex.tagname matches this regular expression.
Possible values: Regular expression
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public


Tag name subject to testing with the regular expression that you specify as property ohi.instrumentation.<0>.regex. The system publishes data for the timer if the tag name matches the regular expression.
Possible values: String
Default value:
Change effective: After Restart
Access Mode: Public

NOTE:For ohi.instrumentation.gather.<0> the placeholder values are: dylo, activityprocessing, extract, persistence, resource, task, springbatch, datareplication.

See the Operations Guide for details about metric-related properties.