Activities Tab

  • Local Lock / Unlock details are displayed as part of Routing comments log in the Case Form > Activities tab. This displays the Date of local lock/unlock, User who performed the local lock/unlock similar to the existing global lock functionality.

    The text "Case Locally Locked for JP" or "Case Locally Unlocked for JP" is populated prior to the user added comments in the Local Lock screen, corresponding to the Local lock or unlock action. Note that "JP" is the standard A2 country code for the country Japan defined in the Argus Console ' Countries code list.

  • When a case is globally/locally locked or globally/locally unlocked at the same time, only one entry is added to the Routing Comments log.
  • The application records the corresponding routing comments described above even in scenarios where the system user (such as AGservice) performed the local lock/unlock action.
  • Case Print includes the Local Lock/Unlock routing Comments as listed above, and is printed under the Routing Comments Log section.