Patient Tab

The Case Form > Patient tab > Lab Data section provides data about lab test and test results.

The Import and Export buttons enable you to import or export lab test data.

  • When you click Import a dialog box appears that enables you to enter the name of the file to import.
  • You can copy the lab test results to the English field. When you check this check box, all test results are copied to the English case form fields. This option is checked by default.
  • To commit the imported data, you must save the case.
  • When there are multiple same dates for the same test, the data is sorted by the sequence number.
  • If data is already in the Lab Data field of the case form, a message appears as Data already exists in the case form field. If you continue, the data will be overwritten. Do you want to proceed?
  • The fields are validated before mapping the data to the case form. If there are errors, the error information is provided along with an error message as There are errors in the import data. Click Detail to check the error detail.
  • When imported data exceed the maximum field length, a warning message appears as Imported data exceeds the maximum length. The import cannot continue.
  • When all the data is mapped, a message appears as Import completed successfully.