Searching the Audit Log

  1. Enter a date range for which the audit log is to be viewed. A date range can also be selected from the Range list.
  2. Click Search.
  3. A list of LAM Audit Log items matching the search criteria appears in Total Number of Rows.
  4. Click the Action icon displayed against each search result in Total Number of Rows to open the Audit Log Details screen.
    Audit Log details screen


    The lower half of the Audit Log Details screen displays the list of all the revisions made in the case.

    The following table lists and describes the fields on the Audit Log Details screen.

    Field Description

    Total Number of Rows

    Displays the total number of rows in the list


    Displays the parent page where the change has been made.


    Displays the field where the change has been made.

    Old Value

    Displays the previous value.

    New Value

    Displays the new, changed value.


    Displays the revision number. The list is sorted in descending order of the revisions that have been made so the latest revision is displayed at the top.

    User Name

    Displays the name of the last user who made a change.

    Revisions Date

    Displays the last date when the change was made.


    Displays the name of the user who last made the revision.

  5. Click a row displaying a revision.
    The system displays the details in the upper half of the screen.


Multiple selections can be made to view the details of revisions.