Oracle Argus Safety Database Upgrade


You will need to generate a key prior to the database upgrade or you can use ArgusSecureKey.ini from the existing setup.

You must also make sure that the password information specified in the database is consistent with the information provided in the ArgusSecureKey.ini file.


To execute the database creation and setup on a Linux server, copy the build folder from the Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety on the server.

You may be prompted to press Enter at screens that are not included in the procedure. This does not hinder the upgrade procedure. Where applicable, press Enter to continue with the upgrade process.

  1. Make sure the are set up correctly. (See Configure the Database Setup Properties File.)
  2. Validate the existing Oracle Argus Safety using the SchemaValidation.bat file. Use the validation file of the existing installed version from the Schema Validation folder:

    Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety\SchemaValidation

  3. View the validation log file to make sure that the existing database has no errors, missing and invalid objects.
  4. To create a new DBA user and refresh the existing DBA user grants, Run Create DBA User Script.
  5. From the Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety folder, run the dbinstallerUI.bat file as an administrator, to invoke the user interface and enter the parameters.

    The Argus Safety - Database Setup screen appears.

    You cannot modify any details on this screen. In case, any of the information is incorrect, then you must re-create the schema.

    For a silent upgrade, from the Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety folder, run the dbinstaller.bat file as an administrator.

  6. In case of upgrade, all the schema details will be auto-populated based on the schema selection logic. Before proceeding further, you must confirm that all the schema details are correctly populated.


    You must not create any Oracle Argus Safety objects in custom schema.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter the path for Tablespaces and click Next.
  9. Verify the Setup Parameters and click Execute.
  10. To ignore any error due to customization, check Ignore Error checkbox in the DBInstaller user interface, and analyze it later when the upgrade is done.
  11. To validate the schema, from the Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety\Schema Validation folder, run the SchemaValidation.bat file.