Install Oracle Argus Insight Components onto the Web Server

To run the installation wizard and install the Oracle Argus Insight components onto the Web Server:

  1. Download the Oracle Argus Insight software from My Oracle Support and copy the software to the Oracle Argus Insight Web Server.
  2. Log in to the Oracle Argus Insight Web Server as a user with administrator privileges.
  3. Click setup.exe.
    The Welcome screen of the installation wizard appears.
  4. Click Next to continue.
  5. Enter your user name and company name, and click Next.
    The Select Features dialog box appears.
  6. Clear any feature that you do not want to install and click Next.
    By default, the wizard installs all features.


    The Oracle Argus Insight web component is merged with Oracle Argus Safety web. You cannot install Oracle Argus Insight alone in any web server.
  7. In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the folder where the system installs the Oracle Argus Insight application.
    • To install into the default folder (C:\Program Files\Oracle), click Next.
    • To install into a different folder, click Browse, select another folder, and then click Next.
    A message appears stating that Oracle Argus Insight is configuring your new software along with the progress bar.
  8. (Optional) To configure minimum security on this server, enter the domain account login credentials, and click Next.

    The Setup Status screen appears with the installation progress.


    If the minimum security is not being setup, leave these fields blank, and click Next.


    When Oracle Argus Insight is installed after the Oracle Argus Safety on the same server for which minimum security is already configured, then minimum security for Oracle Argus Insight components are not applied.

    To configure the domain user for Oracle Argus Insight, run the installer again. In the installation wizard:

    1. Select Modify and click Next.
    2. Select Reset Domain Password and enter the parameters.

    This will set minimum security again for both Oracle Argus Safety and Oracle Argus Insight.

  9. In the Setup Completed screen, click Finish.
  10. Click OK to restart the Oracle Argus Insight Web Server.
For more information, see the following: