Part II Set Up Argus Middle and Client Tiers

During the installation, the information in this manual may be different from what you see on your monitor if additional modules were selected during the Oracle Argus Safety Web installation.


  • Obtain a domain account with Local Administrator privileges.
  • In case of application upgrade, make sure to Backup Configuration Files of the existing Oracle Argus Safety application before setting up the machines.


  • Generate New Cryptography Key, and place the updated ArgusSecureKey.ini file under the .\Windows folder of the web server.
  • You may need to reinstall the printer driver for site printers after setting up Oracle Argus Safety middle and client tiers.

If the current installed Oracle Argus Safety version does not support upgrade:

  1. From your Windows folder, backup the ArgusSecureKey.ini file.
  2. When the installation is complete, replace the exiting ArgusSecureKey.ini file with the backed up file in the Windows folder.

    Replace the file on all the Windows servers.

In this section: