Lot Validation Flow

When Oracle Argus Safety makes a call to the web service, it will populate the 'LOT_NUMBER' node with data provided by the user. The external lot validation system can provide zero, one, or many results in multiple LOT nodes.

Oracle Argus Safety reaction to various counts of returned lots:

  • Zero—Oracle Argus Safety displays a message that the lot number could not be validated; based on the system configuration, the user may be able to keep the entered lot number, in which case Oracle Argus Safety creates a red denotation indicating that the lot number was not validated.
  • One—Oracle Argus Safety keeps the user-entered lot number and creates a green denotation indicating a successfully validated lot.
  • Many—Oracle Argus Safety displays a dialog from which the user can select the correct lot number; once selected, Oracle Argus Safety creates a yellow denotation indicating that the lot number was validated, but the user had to select from multiple matches.

The lot validation interface also allows for custom data to be returned, such as Albumin or Thermisol which is not natively supported by Oracle Argus Safety. This data is then stored in the user-defined fields available on the active case form page.