Metadata Configuration

  1. Go to the Oracle Argus Safety Web server machine.
  2. Open the service.config file located at...

    <Argus Install Path>\ArgusWeb\ASP\Argus.NET\Bin\

  3. In the service.config file, the metadata configuration is:
    <add Name="Case Intake" Assembly="CaseIntakeServiceComponent" 
    UseLocalInterimFolder=true; LocalInterimFolder=C:\Temp\CaseIntake"  /> 

Similarly to the Service.config file, uncomment the "add" node whose "name" attribute refer to "Case Intake". Ensure that 'LitIntake' is set to true in the Metadata configuration as shown below:

<add Name="Case Intake" Assembly="CaseIntakeServiceComponent" 
Type="Relsys.CaseIntakeServiceComponent.FSWManager" Metadata="InvokeDirect=true; 
PollInterval=1000;CaseIntake=true;LitIntake=true" />

In the same folder, the Intake.config file needs some changes. Set the MonitorLiteratureFolder attribute to true in FolderConfiguration/MonitorFolders section as shown below:

<MonitorFolders MonitorAllConfiguredFolders="false" 
<!-- <add FolderPath="<configured share in console>" Monitor="true" 
AlternatePath="C:\LiteratureIntake"/> -->

Once configured, use the Services control panel to restart Oracle Argus Safety Windows Service. A successful configuration is evident when four new folders are then created in the shared file path (IN, OUT, INTERMEDIATE, and FAILURES).

If the shared folder happens to be on the same physical machine as the server on which “Argus Windows Service" is running, you can optionally configure the service to access the shared folder directly as a local folder instead of as a network shared path. The following configuration in Intake.config would enable this:

<MonitorFolders MonitorAllConfiguredFolders="false"
<add FolderPath="<configured share in console>" Monitor="true"