Translation capabilities


Support for Integration with Translation Services to translate text in the multilingual dialog supported fields


Oracle Argus Safety is enhanced to support integration with the OCI translation service along with the other 3rd party translation services to translate the text from English to non-English and vice-versa for the Multilingual dialog fields. The following enhancements have been made to achieve this:

  • Argus Console changes
    • For integration with translation services from different vendors, the translation adapter can be configured from Console > System Configuration > Webservice > Bridge Configuration > Service Assembly section after selecting Translation in the Service drop-down.
    • New enterprise-level switch, Enable Translation Service, is added under the Bridge Configuration > Service Settings section to enable or disable the translation feature.


      This switch appears when you select Translation in the Service drop-down.
  • Code list changes
    • A new Trans_Lang_Code attribute is added to the Language Code list that can be accessed from Console > Flexible Data Re-categorization > Flexible Re-categorization > Languages.
    • This attribute contains the language codes to be used by the translation service.
    • Language codes for the OCI translation service are added to this attribute as part of the factory data. However, if you are using any other translation service, then you can update these codes to match with the codes supported by the translation service provider.
  • Multilingual dialog changes
    • If translation is enabled, then the Translate button appears in all the multilingual dialog supported fields to translate text from English to non-English and vice-versa.
    • This option is available to Oracle Argus Safety Japan users as well in the multilingual dialog to translate text from English to Japanese.
    • For Japanese to English translation, Oracle Argus Safety Japan users can use the English version of the multilingual dialog from the split screen view.


    See the next section for more enhancements on the multilingual dialog irrespective of the translation capabilities.