2 Deprecated ReSD 7, 8, and 9

Existing ReSD Forms 7, 8, 9 are marked as deprecated in the PSR/ReSD configuration window, so that customers know they cannot generate any new report thereafter. The old forms will be completely removed from the UI in a future release.

ReSD Forms 7, 8, 9

The updated PSR/ReSD Configuration tab for reference:

PSR/ReSD configuration tab

If any new PSR or ReSD report is created or copied from an existing report, it is recommended to uncheck the checkbox for ReSD Forms 7,8, 9. This ensures that the deprecated forms are not printed in the report output.


  • If there are existing ReSD Form 7, 8, 9 reports in a Submitted state, users can still open them without errors.
  • If there are existing ReSD Forms 7, 8, 9 reports in any state other than Submitted, they are validated to ensure they will not fail generation after the upgrade. Data printed in the report output is not verified for correctness, since the reports are marked as deprecated.