Configuring Argusvr2/Argusvr2a Permissions


This section needs to be applied to each Web and Report Server.
Execute the following steps to configure Argusvr2/Argusvr2a permissions:
  1. Create a domain user which has access to web-servers and all network services that will be configured in Oracle Argus Safety such as shared network paths for Oracle Argus Safety Intake.
    In the steps mentioned below, we have used a sample user called 'Safety_User', throughout this section of the Guide.
  2. Go to every web server and configure the following:
    1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
    2. Open Component Services.
    3. Go to Console Root > Component Services > Computers > My Computer.
    4. Select DCOM Config:
      Component Services screen
    5. Change Permissions for Argusvr2 by doing the following:
      1. Right-click on Argusvr2 and select Properties.
      2. Select the Security tab.
      3. Select Customize for these options: Launch and Active Permissions, and Access Permissions.
        Argusvr2 Properties pop-up
      4. Click Edit under Launch and Activation Permissions.
      5. Add Domain User for Launch and Activation Permissions with Local Launch and Local Activation permission selected. Select Deny for Remote Launch and Remote Activation.
        Launch and Activation Permission pop-up
      6. Click OK.
      7. Click Yes when you receive the following Windows Security message, regarding Deny permissions:
        Windows Security warning message pop-up
      8. Click Edit for Access Permissions.
      9. Add Domain User for Access Permissions with Local Access permission selected. Select Deny for Remote Access.
        Access Permission dialog box
      10. Click OK.
      11. Click Yes when you receive the following Windows Security message, regarding Deny permissions:
        Windows Security warning message pop-up
      12. Click Edit for Configuration Permissions.
      13. Add a domain user for Change Configuration Permission, with Full Control and Read permissions selected.
        Change Configuration Permission pop-up
      14. Click OK.
      15. Click OK on the Argusvr2 Properties dialog to save the changes.
  3. Repeat step 2 for Argusvr2a.
  4. Run the Registry tool in Windows, as shown below:
    1. Browse to the HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20 folder:
      Registry Editor screen
    2. Right-click the folder and select Permissions.
    3. Add a Safety Domain User with Full Control permission.
      Permissions pop-up
  5. Give permission to Access IIS Metabase to Safety_User by running following command from the command prompt as administrator:
    C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -ga "Safety_User"