Configuring Folder Access to Web User Account

We should have a Domain server and all the servers should be configured in that domain.
On every Web Server/Report Server, Anonymous access should be configured as follows:
  1. Go to IIS Configuration Manager > Authentication:
    IIS Configuration Manager screen
  2. Edit Anonymous Authentication:
    Anonymous Authentication screen
  3. Set user credentials to the Safety domain user (Safety_User):
    Set Credentials dialog box
    Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog box
  4. On every Web Server:
    Integrations, GHP, ArgusNet, ArgusInsight, and Argus Console virtual directories must be configured to connect as Safety Domain User [Safety_User] as follows:


    If Webgate is configured, then the webgate, oamsso, and oamsso-bin virtual directories require the same configuration.
    1. Select virtual directory and click on Basic Settings.
    2. Select Connect as > Set Path Credentials > Enter Safety Domain User [Safety_User] and Password.
      Set Credentials dialog box
    3. Give full access on the following folders or files to Safety_User:
      C:\Temp\ or Configured Root Folder for temp files
      <Documentum Installation Path> and
    4. Configure Application Pools.
      Configure Application Pools screen
      Configure and Argus Web pool to run under the Safety_User identity.


      If Oracle Access Manager is installed, give full control permission to everyone on Webgate folder.

      Argus Web Pool has the same settings as defined for Argus Console Pool and Argus NET Pool.

    5. Restart the Web Server.
  5. Repeat Step 4 for ArgusAPI site and Interchange virtual directory.

    Configure folder access on ArgusAPI site and Interchange virtual directory