Configure SMTP

The Oracle Argus Cloud Service uses the SMTP configuration utility for e-mail transmission if it has been enabled and configured in the application.

Oracle Argus Safety supports modern authentication and basic authentication. Modern authentication is a method of identity management that offers more secure user authentication and authorization. To use this option, you must register Oracle Argus Safety in Azure AD and obtain required credentials to send emails.

The basic authentication method can be used with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Email Delivery service, which is not part of the Standard Cloud offering and needs to be purchased separately by customers.

When using the basic authentication method with OCI Email Delivery service, you can authenticate by providing your SMTP user name and password. These credentials are used to authenticate your request to send emails through the OCI Email Delivery SMTP endpoint.

To configure SMTP:

  1. Navigate to Argus Console > System Configuration > SMTP configuration.
  2. Check the Enable SMTP checkbox.
  3. In the Server Configuration section, enter the following parameters:
    • SMTP Server IP address or name
    • Port number (Default value is 25)
    • FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
    • Valid e-mail address in the Global From Address field.

      When e-mails are sent from Oracle Argus Safety, the From address for all e-mails is set to the e-mail specified in Global From Address.

  4. To configure SMTP for modern authentication, skip step 3, and perform the following steps:


    Argus application supports modern authentication for only Microsoft Office 365. As a pre-requisite, Argus application needs to be registered in Azure AD to obtain required credentials like Client ID, Client Secret to send emails.

    1. From the Authentication drop-down, select Modern Authentication.
      The Modern Authentication Configuration section is enabled.

      SMTP Configuration window

    2. Enter the following parameters:
      • Client ID: Registered Argus application client ID.
      • Client Secret: This field is masked similar to the password field.
      • Tenant ID: Token ID provided while registering.
      • Server Token URL: Server end point which defaulted by the system.
      • Authorization Scope: Scope of authorization defaulted by the system.
  5. To configure SMTP for basic authentication, perform the following steps:
    1. From the Authentication drop-down, select Basic Authentication. Modern Authentication Configuration section fields are now disabled.
    2. Enter the following parameters:
      • SSL Start Mode: Select Automatic.
      • SMTP UserName : Enter OCI email service userid
      • SMTP Password: Enter OCI email service password
      • Auth Mechanism: Select SASL Plain.
  6. To mark sent emails as confidential, select the Custom SMTP Header checkbox.

    All e-mail messages sent using the following processes are sent as Confidential:

    • AG Service: Bulk Transmit Email
    • AG Service: General Email
    • ESM Service: Business / User / IT Email

    The Audit Log tracks updates to this field.

  7. Click Validate and Save, to connect to the e-mail server as per the configuration data, in modern authentication mode or in basic authentication mode, if set as mentioned in step 3. If the connection is successful, then the configuration data is saved and a test e-mail is sent. If the connection is not successful, the error is displayed in the Status field and the configuration is not saved.
All e-mail messages sent using the following processes are sent as Confidential:
  • AG Service: Bulk Transmit Email
  • AG Service: General Email
  • ESM Service: Business / User / IT Email.

The Audit Log tracks updates to this field.


If Oracle Argus Safety needs to use the proxy set up for SMTP configuration, ensure that the Proxy setting is configured under System Configuration > System Management > Network Settings > Proxy.