Guidelines for preparing users CSV

The user CSV file needs to be set up as per the IDCS standards. For more information, see the Import User Accounts section of the Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service guide and the IDCS: Bulk Loading Users and Groups using CSV files page.

The user CSV file is a simple text file in a tabular format ( containing rows and columns). The first row in the file defines the fields in the table.

For each account, you can create a new row and enter data into each column. Each row represents one record.

The table below details the minimum attributes that you need to provide for users in the CSV file:
Column heading in the CSV file Value
User ID The value entered in the User Name field can be either a valid e-mail address or a non-email string.
In case of a non-email string, the following characters are supported:
  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9
  • Special characters, such as !@#$%^&*()_+=-{}[]|\:"';<>?/
Last Name The user's last name
First Name The user's first name
Work Email User's valid email address, such as
Primary Email Type Lists your user's email type. It can be set to either Work, Home or Other.
User Type Your user's type. The valid values are:
  • Contractor
  • Employee
  • External
  • Generic
  • Intern
  • Service
  • Temporary
Active This field determines if the user is Active of Disabled. The valid values are True or False.


For Inactive users, set the Bypass Notification field to True so that the user does not receive any notification when the it is imported to IDCS.
Bypass Notification This field determines if the user receives notifications via email when a user is created or modified. The valid values are True and False.

If you do not want your users to be notified when Oracle IDCS creates an account for them, then you must set the Bypass Notification field to True.

Federated The valid values are True or False. If you want your users to use their federated accounts to sign in to IDCS, then the Federated field must be set to True. When this field is set, Oracle IDCS no longer manages the federated user's password. This prevents Oracle IDCS from enforcing a password change for those imported user accounts.

This field must be set to True is the intended user authenticates via a federated SSO and not via IDCS.

This field must be set to False if the indented user authenticates via IDCS.

If this field is left blank, the user is created as a non-federated user who can authenticate via IDCS.


Set the Bypass Notification field to True for federated users, so that they do not receive email notifications from IDCS.

You must ensure that the value from the above fields are not null.

In addition, ensure that the User ID is unique. If the ID is not unique, the following scenarios may occur:
  • If there are two entries with the same User ID and with the same attributes in the CSV file, then the first User ID will be created and the second User ID creation fails.
  • If there are two entries with the same User ID, but there are different attributes in the CSV file, then the first User ID is created and the second record will update with the details of the first user.

The users can extend the CSV file columns based on the IDCS supported attributes listed in the Use Best Practices for Bulk Loading Data section of the Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service guide.

For more information, see: