Added conditional drop-downs in user defined fields


Added conditional drop-downs in the case form by configuring two User Defined Number fields as parent-child dependent fields with pre-configured values (Enhancement 35522208)


Console updates
Argus is enhanced to include the following two new configurations in the User Defined Number fields in Console > System Configuration > Field Properties:
  • New field “Parent Dropdown”
  • New column “Category” under the Selectable section

These new configurations enables you to configure any two User Defined Number fields within the same case form section with a parent-child dependency on the other User Defined Number fields.

You can configure the parent-child dependency in any two User Defined Number fields using the following steps:
  1. Consider UDN1 (User Defined Number 1) and UDN2 (User Defined Number 2) fields to be configured as parent and child fields respectively.

    For example, partners and respective programs are to be configured. Each partner can have multiple programs. On selection of a partner, UDN1 in case form, the corresponding programs are listed in UDN2.

  2. In the UDN1 parent field, configure parent values in the Selectable section, and assign any category.

    For example: Add values: Partner A with Category A, Partner B with Category B, and Partner C with Category C.

  3. In the UDN2 child field, configure a set of child values in the Selectable section, and assign the same category as in the parent value.

    For example: Add values Program A1 and Program A2 with Category A; values Program B1, Program B2 with Category B; and values Program C1 and Program C2 with Category C.

  4. In the UDN2 child field, set the Parent drop down as UDN1.
  5. Based on the configurations, case form displays UDN1 and UDN2.

    Selecting Partner A in UDN1 lists the values Program A1 and Program A2 in UDN2. Similarly, for Partner B and Partner C.


The Parent Dropdown field is enabled only when Selectable is checked. It displays the field form label of User Define Number fields that have Selectable checked and drop down values configured. Additionally, Argus looks for the exact matches in Category for parent and child. The records are tied together only if an exact match is found.
Case form updates

When you select a value from the Parent Dropdown list, the Child drop down list is filtered based on this value with the corresponding values that are tied to it. The reverse filter is not possible.

For Argus J, case form displays the corresponding values in Field Properties, if configured.

For additional details, refer to ArgusSafety843_CaseForm_Console_Updates_Summary.xls.