Configure the Coding Platform database user

On the Central Coding Platform Database User page, you create or select an existing user for the Oracle Central Coding Platform database. To create a new user, you must enter the credentials of a user with DBA privileges; the database user and password; and the default tablespace for the Oracle Central Coding Platform.

Select or enter the following information for the Coding Platform Database User, and then clickNext.

  • Connection string—The TNS name to use when connecting to the Platform database.
  • Create/Recreate User—Select to create a new Coding Platform Database User. Select this option only if a database administrator did not create the user before the installation. For more information, see Create database user accounts.

    If you choose to create a new user, you must also enter data for the default tablespace. If the Create/Recreate User option is selected and an existing user is supplied, that user will be dropped and re-created.

    • Oracle DBA User / Password—Credentials of a user with DBA privileges.


      SYS user is no longer an allowed account. Please use another account name, such as SYSTEM or any other custom DBA account.
    • Test Connection—Click to attempt an actual database connection using the selected Connection string and DBA User credentials. You can continue with the installation only after the connection test succeeds.
    • Default tablespace—Select the name that was created for the Oracle Central Coding application.

      This list is populated from the database. For the example in this guide, that name is CCP. For more information, see Create the database and tablespaces.

    • Create—If the tablespace for Oracle Central Coding is not in the list, click to create a new tablespace.

      The Create New Default Tablespace dialog box appears. In the Name field, enter a name for the tablespace and click Create. The dialog box closes and the name of the newly created tablespace appears in the Default tablespace field.


      The tablespace that is created is the default size and in the default location. If you want the tablespace to be a different size or in a different location, you must create the tablespace from the database.
    • User Name—The Oracle user account (Example name: codingplatform).

      The Central Coding Database User name and the Coding Platform Database User name cannot be the same.

    • Password, Retype Password—The password for the Oracle user account.

      The password must contain:

      • One or more alphabetical (A-Z, a-z) and numeric (0-9) characters.
      • At least one non-alphanumeric character.
      • One or more upper case (A-Z) and lower case (a-z) characters.
      • A minimum of 8 characters.
  • Existing User—Select if you created the user before the installation, or to reuse an existing user. In this case, the database is assumed to be present already, and the specified user is not dropped. You can test a connection with this user before proceeding.
    • User Name—The Oracle user account name. The list is populated with users from the database.
    • Password—The password for the Oracle user account
    • Test User—Click to test the database connection with this user.