Extra audit records in the Oracle Central Coding application

  • Issue—Additional audit records in the Oracle Central Coding application.
  • Possible cause—If you change a verbatim in the InForm application that has already been coded, and then change it back to what it was originally, the next time the InForm Adapter Coding interface delivers coding data to the Oracle Central Coding application, you will see additional audit records in the Audit History Report in the Oracle Central Coding application. This is because although the verbatim is unchanged, it is newer than its targets.
  • Solution—If you use Oracle InForm Adapter software with the Oracle Central Coding, you must:
    • Create a rule in the Oracle InForm software that is applied to every verbatim that clears the varbatime targets whenever the verbatim is changed.
    • Make sure the rule is case-sensitive.

      The rule ensures that the verbatim is treated as uncoded when it is delivered to the Oracle Central Coding application.