Set up Oracle InForm studies for use with the Oracle Central Coding application

  1. In the Oracle InForm application, specify a valid Oracle InForm user whose credentials can be used by the Oracle Central Coding application to access the Oracle InForm application.

    Required only if you are using user name/password authentication for communication with the Oracle InForm Adapter web services.

    Enter the Oracle InForm authentication user name and password in the Oracle Central Coding application:

    • On the System Configuration page (Get/Put Job Options section) to use for all studies.
    • On the [Study Name] Study Information page for any study, to define the user separately for that study.

      In addition, when you create a new Oracle InForm adapter, you must also select the option to Call InForm Adapter Web Services with User Name/Password Authentication on the [Adapter Name] page.

  2. Optional: In the Oracle Central Designer application, create a rule in the Oracle InForm application to clear the coding targets.

    If the following key items are changed in the Oracle InForm application after a verbatim is coded, they will not be updated in the Oracle Central Coding application. To get the key items to be updated, you must create a rule in the InForm application to clear the coding targets.

    • SubjectInitials
    • SubjectNumber
    • Visit
    • Site Name
    • Site
    • Study


    The key items are updated in the Oracle Central Coding application if the verbatim is not coded in the Oracle InForm application.
  3. In the Oracle Central Designer application, create the coding maps.

    Specify mapping definitions for controls that hold verbatim text and controls that hold the coded values assigned by the Oracle InForm application.

    For more information, see the Oracle Central Designer documentation.


    Oracle recommends that you do not modify coding maps after coding begins for the study. Doing so can slow the coding process.