Setup tasks for integrating Oracle Central Coding and Oracle InForm applications

  1. Install the Oracle Central Designer software.

    For more information, see theOracle Central Designer Installation Guide.

  2. Install the Oracle InForm software on a different machine then on the Oracle Central Coding application server.

    For more information, see the Oracle InForm Installation Guide.


    Set up the Oracle InForm Adapter to accept data securely.
  3. On the Oracle InForm application server, install the Oracle InForm Adapter software with the Administration, Coding, and Disrepancy Enhanced interfaces.

    For more information, see the Oracle InForm Adapter Installation Guide.


    Set up the Oracle InForm Adapter to accept data securely.
  4. On the Oracle InForm application server, register studies with Oracle InForm Adapter.

    For more information, see the Oracle InForm Adapter Installation Guide.

  5. Using the Oracle Central Designer and Oracle InForm applications, set up one or more Oracle InForm studies.

    Specify mappings and add Oracle InForm users for use with the Oracle Central Coding application.

    For integration with the Oracle InForm 5.0 release or later, see the Oracle InForm Study and Reporting Setup Guide.

    For integration with releases prior to the Oracle InForm 5.0 release, see the Oracle InForm Installation and Configuration Guide.

    For more information, see Checklist: Set up InForm studies for use with the Central Coding application and About mapping data for coding with the Central Coding application.