Setting a web proxy for outgoing calls

Oracle Central Coding supports proxy servers during web service invocation for outbound calls.

To configure the outbound proxy, use PhaseforwardCentralCodingSetDefaultProxy.exe, which is installed during the Oracle Central Coding software installation in <Installation Folder>\CentralCodingServer\CodingWebUI\bin.

Edit parameters in the following files:

  • web.config
  • PhaseForward.Platform.JobScheduler.exe.config
  • PhaseForward.CentralCoding.SetStudy.exe.config
  • PhaseForward.CentralCoding.SetAdapter.exe.config


  • ProxyAddress {URL}—Sets ProxyAddress to the specified URL.
  • BypassProxyOnLocal [True|False]—Sets the BypassProxyOnLocal attribute. The default value is False.
  • UseDefaultWebProxy [True|False]—Sets the UseDefaultWebProxy attribute. The default value is False.
  • REMOVE—Removes the current proxy settings.
  • DISPLAY—Displays the current proxy settings.

Exit codes:

  • 0—Success.
  • 1—Command line argument is missing.
  • 2—Invalid command on command line.
  • 3—An exception occurred during processing.


If exit code 3 appears, contact Oracle Support.