Reconcile Synonyms page

This page is used for impact analysis. The page lists terms and synonyms that no longer exist, or are no longer current in the new dictionary version.

The help for this page includes descriptions for core fields, actions, and buttons only.


Field Description

Deleted Term

The deleted or non-current term and associated code from the original dictionary version.

New Term

The term to replace the deleted or non-current term in the new dictionary version.

The Code link opens the Coding Browser dialog box, where you can interactively recode the synonym.


The synonyms associated with the deleted or non-current term.


The action to perform on the Deleted Term.

  • Selected—Deletes the term when you approve the changes on the page. The term is not copied to the new synonym list.

    The option is selected by default if the Set Synonym as Default option is selected on the System Configuration page.

  • Not selected—The Coding Browser dialog box opens and you can recode the term.


Action Shortcut Description

Approve All


Saves and applies the selected Action to each synonym.


Button Shortcut Description

Approve All


Saves and applies the selected Action to each synonym.