Running a nonscheduled job for a study

You can run the following jobs manually:

  • Get Requests—To retrieve coding requests from the Oracle InForm application for the studies associated with an adapter.
  • Return Codes—To return coded requests to the Oracle InForm application for the studies associated with an adapter.

Before you run a nonscheduled job, Oracle recommends that you organize assignment rules so that the rules most likely to match the incoming requests appear first on the Assignment Rules page. Assignment rules run in the order they appear on the Assignment Rules page. For more information, see Changing the order in which assignment rules run.

  1. Select Admin > Management > Studies.
    The Study Information page appears. For a description of the fields on this page, see Study Information page.
  2. Click the Get Requests or the Return Codes (This imager depicts the Return Codes for a Study icon.) icon for a study.
    The Oracle Central Coding application starts the job.
  3. To view the results of a job, click the Log (This image depcits the View Log icon.) icon.