Synonym list upgrade management

You create an upgraded synonym list by updating an existing synonym list against a new dictionary version, reconciling the differences, and saving the changes to the database.

When you upgrade a synonym list, the Oracle Central Coding application copies the following synonyms to the new synonym list:

  • Synonyms for which the associated term and code still exist, are active in the new dictionary version, and map to the same primary System Organ Class. The synonyms are assigned a status of Active.
  • Synonyms for which the associated term and code still exist and are active in the new dictionary version, but which map to a different primary System Organ Class. The synonyms are assigned a status of Active.
  • Synonyms for which the associated term and code are inactive in the new dictionary version, but which the Oracle Central Coding application can automatically reassign to a term. The synonyms retain the status that they had before the upgrade.
  • Synonyms for which the associated term and code no longer exist or are no longer current in the new dictionary version appear on the Reconcile Synonyms page. You can copy the synonyms to the new synonym list or delete them.

Synonyms that are terms in the new dictionary version are not copied to the new synonym list.

If a synonym is associated with a term that is assigned a new code, or with a code that is assigned to a new term, the Oracle Central Coding application considers the original term and code to be deleted.

After you upgrade a synonym list, you must reconcile the synonyms on the Reconcile Synonyms page by interactively coding them or deleting them from the new synonym list. For more information, see Reconciling a synonym.