Verbatim reconciliation management

After you change the assignment rules to use a new dictionary version, the Oracle Central Coding application:

  • Codes new verbatims against the new dictionary version.
  • Attempts to recode the verbatims that are coded against the original dictionary version.

To recode a coded verbatim against the new dictionary version, the application attempts to autocode the verbatim against the new coding definition. It then searches the dictionary elements for which the Return option is selected on the Element Configuration page and compares the original coding result at the following levels:

  • Code
  • Term
  • Additional information
  • Primary dictionary path (if the dictionary type supports the concept of primary path)

The comparison is case-insensitive.

If the original coding result and the new autocode result are the same, the verbatim receives the NoChange status.

If the application finds a different term for the verbatim in the new dictionary version, and the term corresponds to a dictionary level that does not require reconciliation on the Element Configuration page, the verbatim receives the AutoReconciled status.

If the application does not find a match for the original coding result in the new dictionary version, and is unable to determine a new coding result based on Impact Analysis options, the verbatim receives the AutoAssign status.

If the application does not find a match for the original coding result in the new dictionary version, and is unable to determine a new coding result regardless of Impact Analysis options, the verbatim receives the NeedsReconciliation status.

You must manually reconcile each verbatim with AutoAssign or NeedsReconciliation status.