Get Labor

Shows the breakdown of labor by major task, task, location, and resources. The resource's adjusted unit hours percentage has been added via the unitHoursPct element with the following two nested properties: defaultPct and userPct.

Method: GET

URL: /cleartrial-ws/plans/{planID}/labor

Sample output in JSON:

  "planLabor": {
    "planId": 67433,
    "currency": "USD",
    "majorTask": [
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Project Initiated",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Study",
        "sortOrder": 1000000,
        "description": "Project-related start-up activities, such as contract negotiation with Vendors/Sponsors, study metrics operating guidelines, assigning the study team, and required resource plans by department, etc.",
        "task": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Develop scope of work, timeline, work assignments",
            "code": "TT.223",
            "mappingKey": "T032",
            "sortOrder": 500000000,
            "description": "From the basic BD proposal and protocol, develop the scope of work documents, project plan (e.g., MS Project files), and individual work assignments for the resources working on the project.",
            "location": [
                "locationId": 0,
                "locationName": "All Locations",
                "resource": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Clinical Research Associate ED",
                    "code": "CR01Ed",
                    "serviceProviderId": 10104,
                    "serviceProviderName": "ClearTrial Operations",
                    "departmentCode": "CRs",
                    "departmentName": "Clinical Operations",
                    "generalLedgerCode": "Unmapped",
                    "generalLedgerCodeName": "Unmapped",
                    "startDate": "01-Jun-2016 12:00:00 CDT",
                    "endDate": "07-Sep-2016 12:00:00 CDT",
                    "billingRate": 0,
                    "billingRateLocationId": 100,
                    "billingRateLocation": "USA",
                    "unitCost": 0,
                    "inflatedUnitCost": 0,
                    "unitHours": 0,
                    "unitHoursPct": {
                      "defaultPct": 100,
                      "userPct": 50.5
                    "cost": 0,
                    "inflatedTotalCost": 0,
                    "hours": 0,
                    "numUnits": 1,
                    "adjustmentToHours": 4.0
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Senior Clinical Researcher Associate",
                    "code": "CR02",
                "locationId": 100,
                "locationName": "USA",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Develop scope of work, timeline, work assignments",
            "sortOrder": 600000000,
        "id": 32,
        "name": "Study Setup",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Study",
        "sortOrder": 2000000,
    "laborMonthlyByMajorTaskUrl": "/cleartrial-ws/plans/67433/labor?view=monthlyByMajorTask",
    "laborMonthlyByResourceUrl": "/cleartrial-ws/plans/67433/labor?view=monthlyByResource",
    "url": "/cleartrial-ws/plans/67433/labor"

Sub-Resources: None