Define Custom Algorithms

You can configure custom algorithms using multiple expressions (requires the Advanced Algorithm Editor additional role/capability) or via script (requires the Expert Algorithm Editor additional role/capability).


Configuring custom algorithms using multiple expressions requires the Advanced Algorithm Editor role. Using a script requires the Expert Algorithm Editor role. Use the scripting language only if your algorithm cannot be accomplished via the expression functionality.
  1. Open the Costs tab and select the New button to display the Definition tab on the Define New Category screen.
  2. On the Define New Category screen, after providing basic information on the Definition tab and assigning the cost to a service provider on the Assignments tab, select the Algorithm tab.
  3. To define an expression, make sure that the Switch to Script link is displayed.
  4. in the Calculate as field, specify the per unit cost value and select the currency for the cost for all locations or each specific location from the currency drop-down list.
    • Editing this field does not convert a previously entered value. ClearTrial assumes that the value you entered is expressed in the chosen currency.
    • When the currency is edited, ClearTrial applies the change to the location-specific costs, unless they have been overridden to vary from the amount and currency entered in this section.
  5. In the per field, specify a percentage value to apply to the selected cost driver for the expression. This percentage will increase or decrease the number derived from the underlying assumption for the driver.
  6. From the of drop-down list, select a unit-based assumption to drive the calculation of this cost.
    • Changes to assumptions that result in an increase or decrease in the number of units for the chosen assumption automatically adjust this cost.
    • User-defined cost drivers appear in the drop-down list in italicized type followed by an asterisk.

    ClearTrial calculates the total value for each location- or study-level expression as the monetary value multiplied by the specified percentage of the number of units expected for the chosen assumption. System-calculated cost values are displayed to the right of the Calculated field and cannot be changed.

  7. You can create algorithms with up to eight individual expressions. To add another expression, click the Add another expression link, then specify the calculation information.
    • Each expression within the algorithm has the ability to use a different cost driver, also known as a Work Unit, a percentage to apply to the cost driver and monetary value.
    • When working with multiple expressions, enter a per cost driver cost, currency, cost driver, and percentage to apply to the cost driver to evaluate to a specific monetary value in a specific currency.
    • If you have specified that the cost varies by location, you can define a specific algorithm for each location.
  8. If necessary, switch to Script mode by clicking the Switch to Script link, then type the expression in the Calculate as field and specify the currency in the in drop-down list.


    When working with expert algorithms, the scripting language is used to define mathematical formulas to calculate the monetary value of the cost item. Expert algorithms should only be used if you are unable to produce the right cost value using multiple expressions.

    In the Total field, ClearTrial displays the total calculated costs, including any adjustments made by you or another user.

  9. Click Save, and select the Distribution tab.