Required configuration for the Diversity & Inclusion dashboard

The Diversity & Inclusion dashboard is specific to study design. This means that special configurations are needed on form design for some visualizations to work properly. These configurations include specific form names (FORM_NAME), question names (ITEM_NAME), and code lists configuration(ITEM_F, ITEM_D).

Most of the visualizations in the Diversity & Inclusion dashboard use custom calculations to specify which form and question is used to get data to display. For this reason, your form names, questions and even code list values must match with the specified values in the dashboard template's custom calculations.

Review the list of requirements and make sure your study design complies with all of them. In case your study design doesn't meet a requirement, you can either update your study design to match the given configuration or modify the custom calculations used in the dashboard to match your study design. If you choose to modify the dashboard's custom calculations, keep in mind that all impacted custom calculations must be updated, and updates can only be made on a modifiable copy of the Diversity & Inclusion dashboard template. For more details, see Create a modifiable copy of a template.


Updating the custom calculations requires a basic understanding of programming. Reach out to your Oracle project manager for further assistance.


If your study doesn't use a question listed in this table, there is no need for you to modify anything. The impacted visualizations will still be part of the dashboard and show a No Data Found message, which you can simple ignore. If you prefer, you can also delete the given visualization from your copy to get rid of the empty spaces.
Configuration requirement Description Impacted custom calculations How to update the custom calculation
FORM_NAME must contain the string 'Demog'.
The form used in your study to collect demographic data must contain the string 'Demog' as part of its name. For example, Demography, Demographics, Demographic information, etc.


This form must contain all of the questions listed in this table.
  • Male Count
  • Female Count
  • Other Gender Count
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Age < 15
  • Age 15-64
  • Age >= 65
Update to match with your current form name when it doesn't contain the 'demog' string as part of it.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to FORM_NAME:
    lower(FORM_NAME) like '%demog%'
  3. Replace '%demog%' with your current form name.
    • Keep the single quotes.
ITEM_NAME must contain the word 'gender' or 'sex'.

The form question used to collect data related to gender must have the word 'gender' or 'sex' on its name.

  • Male Count
  • Female Count
  • Other Gender Count
  • Gender
Update to match with your current question related to gender, when it doesn't contain either the "gender" or "sex" keywords.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to ITEM_NAME:
    lower(ITEM_NAME) like '%gender%' or lower(ITEM_NAME) like '%sex%'
  3. Replace either '%gender%' or '%sex%' with any keyword from your current question.
    • Keep the single quotes and perecentage signs (%).
ITEM_F must be 'Male' for male subjects and 'Female' for female subjects.

The code list associated to the gender question must contain the values 'Male' and 'Female' for male and female subjects respectively.

  • Male Count
  • Female Count
  • Other Gender Count
  • Gender
Update to match with your current answer options when they don't use "Male" and "Female" for male and female subjects respectively (for example, if you use "Man" and "Woman").
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to ITEM_F:
    ITEM_F = 'Male'
    ITEM_F = 'Female'
    ITEM_F not in ('Male','Female')
  3. Replace the words 'Male' and 'Female' with the words in your study used for male and female subjects respectively.
    • Keep the single quotes and make sure they are capitalized exactly as in your study design.
ITEM_NAME must contain the phrase 'date of birth'.

The form question used to collect age related data must be an Age type question collecting the date of birth of the subject and have the phrase 'date of birth' on its name.

  • Age < 15
  • Age 15-64
  • Age >= 65
Update to match with your current question related to age, when it is collected as the date of birth but it doesn't contain the prhase "date of birth" as part of the question.


These calculations expect you to collect age data as the date of birth, rather than the age value, as when you use an age-type question.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to ITEM_NAME (All instances):
    ITEM_NAME like '%date of birth%'
  3. Replace '%date of birth%' with any keyword from your current question.
    • Keep the single quotes and perecentage signs (%).
ITEM_NAME must contain the word 'race'.

The form question used to collect race related data must have the word 'race' on its name.

  • Race
Update to match with your current question related to race, when it doesn't contain the "race" keyword.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to ITEM_NAME:
    lower(ITEM_NAME) like '%race%'
  3. Replace '%race%' with any keyword from your current question.
    • Keep the single quotes and perecentage signs (%).
ITEM_NAME must contain the word 'ethnicity'.

The form question used to collect ethnicity related data must have the word 'ethnicity' on its name.

  • Ethnicity
Update to match with your current question related to ethnicity, when it doesn't contain the "ethnicity" keyword.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to ITEM_NAME:
    lower(ITEM_NAME) like '%ethnicity%'
  3. Replace '%ethnicity%' with any keyword from your current question.
    • Keep the single quotes and perecentage signs (%).
REFERENCE_CODE must start with the string 'ETHNIC'.

The form question used to collect ethnicity related data must have the string 'ETHNIC' on its Reference Code.

  • Hispanic/Non Hispanic
Update to match with the reference code of your current question related to ethnicity, when it doesn't start with the 'ETHNIC' string.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to REFERENCE_CODE (All instances):
  3. Replace 'ETHNIC%' with the current reference code of your ethnicity question.
    • Keep the single quotes.
ITEM_D must be '1' for Hispanic ethnicity and '0' for non-Hispanic ethnicity.

The code list associated to the ethnicity question must have the code list code '1' for Hispanic and the codelist code '0' for Non Hispanic.

  • Hispanic/Non Hispanic
Update to match with the answer options for your current question related to ethnicity, when they don't have code list code '0' for Non Hispanic, and code list code '1' for Hispanic.
  1. On the data panel on the left, right-click the calculation under the My Calculations folder, and select Edit Calculation....
  2. In the Edit Calculation dialog, locate the line referring to ITEM_D (All instances):
  3. Replace ITEM_D values '1' and '0' with the current code list codes used for Hispanic and Non Hispanic repectively.


    If any of these ethnicity classifications corresponds to multiple codelist values (for example different ethnicity options that are non Hispanic instead of just one listed as "Non Hispanic"), use the following format:
    ITEM_D in ('x','y','z') 
    with 'x','y','z' being all given codelists codes.
    • Keep the single quotes.