Code lists

Remove Codelist option is displayed for manually entered answer options (former known issue)

Study designers: Now, in a form, when you create a question with radio buttons or checkboxes, or a drop-down question, you will no longer see the option to remove that code list even though the questions you entered were not part of a code list. This issue was only observed when a question's reference code was entered in lower case characters.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 34895176)

Updating the EDCYearRange code list requires multiple renaming steps (former known issue)

Study designers: Now, you can add different code values and modify their labels in the EDCYearRange custom code list without running into any errors related to the values being duplicate in your studies. Previously, when you attempted to add more values to the custom code list, but with different labels, a validation error was displayed for each label stating that it’s not unique.

Retracted workaround: You no longer have to perform the workaround of updating your labels with different special characters so the application doesn't flag them as being duplicate. Initially, the following steps were required to work your way around this issue:
  1. On the Code List tab, select the EDCYearRange code list.
  2. Update the labels of the existing code values to Minimum Year and Maximum Year, respectively.
  3. Add two new code values and update their labels to Min_ Year and Max_ Year, respectively.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Edit the last two added code values and remove the underscore (_) from the label.
  6. Click Save.
(Issue 34783476)

Newly added custom code list values are not properly displayed in the Subject Data Extract

Data managers and statisticians: Now, for a live study version, when a study designer applies an update containing a new form with new custom code list values, those newly added custom code list values are properly displayed in the Subject Data Extract.

The following columns contain the correct custom code list values:
  • Item: displays the Code value.
  • Item_R: displays the Label value.
  • Item_F: displays the Value.
  • Item_D: displays the Code value.
Previously, the items listed above displayed the expected values randomly.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 34857896)

Code list values are not displayed in the Subject Data Extract as expected (former known issue)

Data managers and statisticians: Now, the following Subject Data Extract columns contain the correct code list values for the code list option selected during data collection:
  • Item_R (code list label);
  • Item_F (code list value);
  • And item_D (code list code).

Previously, the Subject Data Extract displayed incorrect or null values for a selected code list option. This issue impacted custom and system code lists differently and did not present itself in the report output in the same way. However, this fix addresses the problem for both system and custom code lists.

Retracted workaround: None (Issue 34769175)