Get data to construct ODM

Retrieve the study information needed for the integration payload request. The values that you obtain in this step correspond to the exact study, site, visit, form and item in which you are integrating data into.


  • To run these Oracle Clinical One Platform API calls, you need to include an authentication token. For instructions on how to generate your authentication token, see Get a token for authentication and Use the token to make an API request.
  • For every API call make sure you construct the URL using the correct server URL and path parameters values.

To construct the ODM and send the integration request, for all the visits, forms and items you need their IDs. This is to make sure you map the information to the correct question, form and visit. Also, in order to get this data you need the study ID and mode, the site ID and the study version associated to it.

Step 1: Get the Study ID

Run the following cURL command to get a list of all your studies and their details:

curl -X GET ""

Take note of the studyID, version and mode, as they are required for most Clinical One API calls. Study mode is either active, test or training. Study version is a four digit code, for example

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get a list of all studies.

Step 2: Get the Site ID and study version associated to it

Given the studyID and mode, run the following cURL command to get all sites by type (type is either sites or depots):

curl -X GET "{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/all"

Take note of the sdfID and versionStart values associated with the site of your interest.

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get all sites by type.

Step 3: Get the visit ID

Given the studyID and version associated with the site of your interest, run the following cURL command to get a list of visits in a study version:

curl -X GET "{studyId}/versions/{version}/visits"

Take note of the visitID value associated with the visits of your interest.

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get a list of study visits.

Step 4: Get the form ID

Given the studyID, studyVersion and visitId, run the following cURL command to get a list of forms in a visit:

curl -X GET "{studyId}/versions/{version}/visits/{visitId}/forms"

Take note of the formID value associated with the forms of your interest . You may need to repeat this call to get data about different visits, retrieved in previous step.

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get a list of forms in a visit.

Step 5: Get item IDs for item in a specific form

Given the studyID, version and formId, run the following cURL command to get a specific form's details:

curl -X GET "{studyId}/versions/{version}/forms/{formId}"

Take note of the itemID values associated with the questions of your interest. You may need to repeat this call to get data about different forms and visits, retrieved in previous steps.

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get a specific form.


There are many different Clinical One APIs that could provide the information you are looking for. See Retrieve study information for more guided API calls, or browse for these and other related APIs under the Tasks section of this guide. If you see any deprecated endpoint, look for its newest version.