Construct ODM

The external IWR system will make Rest API POST calls to ib-ext-svc with a request body. The request body is expected to be data wrapped in an <IRTData> element, in the ODM XML format.

An <IRTData> element is sent as the input data in the integration request. Each consists of a <ClinincalData> element, including the information to be mapped, and an <EventType> element that defines what kind of data is being sent.
  • The event type allows integration to know how the corresponding data is to be processed according to the integration configuration.
  • The <ClinicalData> element includes the ODM XML subject data and can consist of multiple <SubjectData> nodes.
You must construct your ODM according to your integration configuration, the event type and the clinical data you want to map. Additionally, each external IWR system can choose to fit one of two different patterns to map IRTData into Oracle Clinical One Platform:
REFNAME mapping GUID mapping
  • The external IWR system sends OIDs from the source system.
  • OIDs are sent as reference codes.
  • Integration must be configured to map source to target as REFNAME mappings. Acceptable data transformations can be configured as well.
  • Keys for repeating visits and forms can be used from the source or can be configured.
  • The external IWR system configures source-target static mappings on their end.
  • OIDs are sent as Clinical One GUIDs.
  • Ownership of mappings and data transformations remain with the external IWR system.
  • Repeat keys and item values will be sent in target format. OIDs, repeat keys and items values will be used as-is.
For more information on IRTData payload types and mappings see IRTData payload reference.
See examples below for GUID and REFNAME mappings:


You may use these examples as a base to construct your ODM. Make sure to replace each of these values with those relevant to your integration. You can include more or less items, forms, visits and <SubjectData> nodes, according to the data you want to integrate.

Example - IRTData sample using GUID mapping


Example - IRTData sample using reference codes

									<Value>Data update</Value>
									<Value>Data update</Value>