Update form data

Make a PUT request if you need to change the value of one or more data elements in the form.


  • To run these Oracle Clinical One Platform API calls, you need to include an authentication token. For instructions on how to generate your authentication token, see Get a token for authentication and Use the token to make an API request.
  • For every API call make sure you construct the URL using the correct server URL and path parameters values.
For the following API calls, you need the studyName, studyID, studyVersion and mode, as well as the subjectId, eventId, formId, itemId 's and siteId. These values are retrieved as part of a prerequisite or a previous task, see Retrieve study information.

Step 1: Get the data element ID

Run the following cURL command to get a list of all your studies and their details:

curl -X GET "https://tenant.clinicalone.oraclecloud.com/ec-dc-svc/rest/v1/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/subject/{subjectId}/event/{eventId}/dataelements/visitdata"

To make subsequent calls for a specific data element, take note of the id associated with the data element of your interest. In order to update a data element you need this data.

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get data elements by subject and event ID.

Step 2: Create the request payload file

Given a data element's id, create a JSON file called updateform.json and copy the following:


Replace the each of these values with those relevant to you.


The itemId refers to the question in a plain form, according to design. The id refers to the data element itself, which is an exisiting answer for a given question in a given form for a given visit of a given subject. This last, is the one you retrieved in step 1.
        "studyId": "6516CC36A0E949989021A22633177C90",
        "studyName": "TestStudy",
        "studyVersion": "",
        "subjectId": "52682768FEF54E9FAD8BEA630448B5EE",
        "eventId": "750739AD259347C8A37612A8D37538A4",
        "formId": "7C68D67B1E154B9596181323B97160A6",
        "itemId": "9FD1445119FA449A80D8256EAEFC7F43",
        "siteId": "84EE8610B5E6466D9B7B64FE99F6606A",
        "value": "2",
        "id": "DA2D91C7E95B48EAA5E13EB3F06E876C",
        "reason": "User error",
        "comment": "",
        "objectVersionNumber": 1,
        "eventInstanceNum": null,
        "repeatSequenceNumber": null,
        "dataFlag": null

Step 3: Update single datat element using payload file

Given a data element ID, run the cURL command to update subject data in the form.

curl -X PUT "https://tenant.clinicalone.oraclecloud.com/ec-dc-svc/rest/v11.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/dataelements/{dataelementId}" -d "@updateform.json"

For more information on how to build the payload and other parameters, see Update single data element to clear rule error.


There are many different Clinical One APIs that could help you complete a particular task. Browse for these and other related APIs under the Tasks section of this guide. If you see any deprecated endpoint, look for its newest version.