Add subjects and save data in a form

Use different Rest APIs to create new visits and save data into a form.


The objective of this example is to save subject data into a form. There are prerequisites in order to be able to save data into a form that are also listed below.

You also may have already completed some of them by setting up your study design already and in this case, you need to retrieve the correct IDs in order to programmatically save data into a predefined form.

Before you begin

  • Set up your environment to start making Rest API calls, see Get started as an API developer.
  • Confirm you have the appropriate permissions to access the corresponding microservices and generate your token for authentication. Make sure you define the scope of authentication properly. See Get a token for authentication.
  • Make sure you have a study role within your Oracle Clinical One Platform study that has the correct permissions. For template roles and permissions see Use cases.
  • To begin saving data in a form, you must have a study already created and set up including visits, forms and a visit schedule. To complete these tasks programmatically with the Oracle Clinical One Platform Rest APIs see Design a study.
  • To complete the tasks in this use case, you will need the studyID and version, as well as the formId and visitId. See Retrieve study information.

Table of Contents

To add subjects and store data into a visit and form, complete the following tasks:

  1. Create and activate a site
  2. Add a subject to a study
  3. Start a visit for a subject
  4. Save form data in a form
  5. Update form data for a visit