Almac Global Depot Network

This workflow applies to shipments when you use an integration with the Almac global depot network, and it applies to all types of shipments, including the initial shipment to a site, a resupply shipment that is generated automatically when resupply runs, and a manual shipment.

Configuration Service details for this integration

B92664: Oracle Life Sciences Clinical One Digital Gateway Configuration Service, up to 40 Data Points.

For more information see, Oracle Life Sciences Cloud Consulting Professional Services, Service Descriptions and Metrics.

Prerequisites for sending the depot order form to Almac-managed depot facilities

To make sure depot users at an Almac-managed depot facility get this email notification in their inbox, in Oracle Clinical One Platform, on the Depots tab, check that the Almac-managed depots are correctly defined and their Depot IDs match the exact names of the depot facilities. Additionally, make sure the email field for depots managed by the Almac Global Depot Network is left blank. The integration is configured to send emails to the appropriate recipients.

Integration user details

Integration set up includes the creation of a study level integration user account, which is assigned the Clinical supply manager template role, or a custom role that includes the same permissions.

The integration user account is created using the email address of one of your organization's clinical supply managers. The email address associated with the integration user receives integration notifications, which can include content resulting in unblinding.


Make sure the appropriate email address is configured for the integration user account to avoid unblinding issues.

For information about how to set up this integration, contact your Oracle Project Manager.

What information can be integrated?

This integration includes request and response components. You only need to implement what is necessary for your organization.

Available events:
  • Shipment requests
  • Automated shipment response - Confirmed
  • In Transit status
Available data points:
  • For request:
    • Shipping site address
    • Site contact information
    • Site investigator information
    • Shipment order details
  • For response:
    • Shipment order
    • Tracking number and Shipment date
    • Shipment status

Things to consider for shipments when you use an integration with Almac

If you need to update a shipment after the shipment request has been sent to the depot, you must contact the organization managing the depot directly. If you make any updates to shipments from within Oracle Clinical One Platform, the changes won't be sent to the depot.

If a shipment request is sent in error or kits need to be added or removed, the clinical supply manager must contact the organization managing the depot and request the shipment's cancellation. Once the organization managing the depot cancel the order in their system, the shipment status changes to Invalid in Oracle Clinical One Platform.


The organization managing the depot can only cancel an order if the shipment has not been sent yet. To allow the resupply process to create a new shipment the next time inventory runs, the clinical supply manager must also explicitly cancel the shipment in Oracle Clinical One Platform.

Table 2-1 Status details

Status details
The status changes automatically to Pending when a new shipment is raised.
The status changes automatically to Confirmed or Invalid when a shipment request is sent to the depot.
  • Confirmed: indicates the depot received the request.
  • Invalid: indicates an issue occurred with the request.


    For an invalid shipment, a clinical supply manager should cancel the request and do one of the following:
    • Allow the resupply process to create a new shipment the next time inventory runs.
    • Create a new manual shipment.
The status changes to In Transit after the depot fulfills the shipment for a Confirmed request. The ship date and tracking number are also set automatically.
Once the site receives the shipment, the set the status to Received manually.