Manage an integration and its jobs

The configuration of an integration or the jobs associated with it might require your attention and assistance if there are any errors that prevent the integration from running properly.

As an integration manager, you create an integration using a configuration file. Once an integration is enabled, it will have jobs associated with it. You need to disable the integration to make changes to its configuration. You can re-enable it after you finish your changes. We recommend that you do this at a time when it won't impact the integration's schedule. You can also make changes to the statuses of integrations. Follow the steps in this topic to manage your integration.
  1. On the Home page, filter the list of integrations or integration groups as needed, based on one or more of the following criteria:
    • Last modified date filters by date range.
    • Integration name filters by the name of the integration.
  2. Click an integration group row to expand it and to see a list of integrations associated with it.
  3. Click the integration you wish to manage. If the integration you want to edit is enabled, click the toggle Toggle buttonone time to disable the integration.
    An enabled integration has a blue toggle:
    Toggle button enabled
    The toggle turns gray after you click it, indicating that you can now edit it:
    Toggle button
  4. Select the checkbox of the integration.
  5. Along the top, click Manage Integrations and select Edit Settings.

    You can edit the following details for an integration:

    • Title
    • Study name
    • Number of times to attempt to send data (includes the original attempt)
    • Email addresses that should receive integration failure notifications
    • Download the current integration file or upload a new integration file.
  6. To manage the jobs associated with an integration, do the following:
    1. Click the row of the integration that failed.
    2. Tip:

      You can search for the job using the filters along the top. For example, you can filter for Status or a date range.
      Find the job that you want to resend or cancel.
    3. Select the checkbox for that job.
    4. WARNING:

      Never cancel an Oracle InForm or Argus Safety job. Canceled jobs are never resent and the data would be lost.


      To see the history of a job, select the job and look into Job Details, on the right.
      On the right, below Job details, click Resend if the job isn't working or click Cancel Job if you want to stop the job.
  7. Re-enable the integration by clicking the gray toggle Toggle button once.