Monitor reports and jobs for an integration

Jobs for an integration might require your attention and assistance if there are any errors that prevent the integration from running properly. As an Integration Viewer, follow the steps in this topic to gather information about the status of your integrations.


With the appropriate role, you may be able to do more than just monitor integrations. For more details about the permissions associated with your roles, see Request system access. For guidance on how to troubleshoot any issues with your integrations, see Manage an integration and its jobs.
Search for a job or safety report that is failing


Error messages for failed jobs may contain integrated data that could be unblinding. Users who can review error messages should not be blinded study users.
  1. On the Home page, filter the list of integrations as needed, based on one or more of the following criteria:

    Table 3-1 Integration statuses

    Filter Description
    Last Modified Date (UTC) Filters by date range.
    Integration Name Filters by the name of the integration.


    We recommend sorting by date range as the easiest way to find an integration.
  2. Click an integration to see a list of its jobs.
  3. Filter the list of jobs based on one or more of the following criteria:

    Table 3-2 List of job filters

    Filter Description
    Last Modified Date (UTC) Filters by date range.
    Job ID Filters based on the ID of the integration.
    Status Filters based on job status.
    Here's what the status of each job means:

    Table 3-3 Job Statuses

    Status Description
    All This means you can see all jobs no matter their status.
    Successful Only the successful jobs are shown.
    Processing Only the in-progress jobs are shown.
    In Retry Only the jobs that are trying to resend data are shown.
    Fail No Advance Only the jobs that have failed once, but are supposed to automatically succeed are shown. This integration runs for a certain period of time.
    Superseded Only the jobs that previously had a Fail No Advance status and are now running properly are shown. The integration window of this job changes.
    Blocked Only the blocked jobs are shown.
    Canceled Only the jobs you canceled are shown.
    Fail No Retry This status is only applicable for the Siebel CTMS integration and indicates the job failed and no retry attempt is made.
  4. Click one of the shipment IDs to see a list of associated jobs.
  5. Click one of the jobs from the list below the shipment ID.


    To see the history of a job, select the job and look into Job Details, on the right.
  6. Once you have finished viewing the list of jobs, you can select Back to Integrations on the left to return to the Integrations home page.