Step 6: Create the production integration

You're almost done. You're going to download the integration file you set up and tested, update it for production, and then use it to create the production integration.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway.
  2. On the Home page, click the down arrow for the integration group you created for the study.
  3. Select the checkbox to the left of the test integration that you want to use as the base for this integration.
  4. Along the top, click Manage Integrations and click Edit Settings.
  5. In the Edit Integration File dialog, under Integration File, click the XML file name in blue to download the test integration file.
  6. Save the file locally under a representative name.
  7. In Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway, click Cancel to close the Edit Integration File dialog box.

    Leave Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway as is, you will come back to it later.

  8. Open the test integration file you downloaded in any text editor.
  9. Change the following details that were specific to testing the integration with the values for the production integration:
    1. Line 8: If you used a separate folder to place the test files, change the SFTPRoot value with the path to the folder where you want Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway to place the E2B+ R2 files for production.
    2. Line 339: If you used a test Oracle Argus Safety study ID, change the value to the production Oracle Argus Safety study ID.
  10. Save your changes to the file.
  11. In Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway, with the integration group expanded, click Upload Integration File under the integration group name.
  12. Click InForm to Argus.
  13. In the Upload Integration File pop-up, fill in the fields:
    • Title: Enter a title for your integration. We recommend that you include the Oracle InForm study name to make monitoring easier.
    • Study Name: Enter the study name, exactly as it appears in the Oracle InForm URL for the production study that you are integrating.
    • Reattempt to send data: Enter the number of times Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway should try to send data before the job fails.

      The minimum value is 2 and this value includes the original attempt. So a setting of 2 means that Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway will try to send data and if this original attempt fails, it will try one more time in 5 minutes. If this second attempt also fails, the job status changes to Failed and Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway will no longer attempt to send data.

    • Send notifications to: Enter the email addresses of the people who should know when this integration fails. If a job in the integration fails, they receive an email notification at the specified address.

      Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple addresses.

  14. Click Choose File, and then find and select the integration file you want to upload.
  15. Click Upload.
  16. Enable this integration in the same way you did for the test integration.

    Your integration is now ready to go. When AE/SAE data from Oracle InForm is sent to Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway, it will process the information according to the settings in the integration file and create an E2B+ R2 file. Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway will then use the account in the SFTP credential key to post the file on the SFTP server, where it can be picked up and brought into Oracle Argus Safety.