6 Visit status and icon descriptions

When you open the study, on the Subjects tab, you are able to view the visit board displaying attended visits in the Previous Visits column. Each visit is displayed in a specific color according to its status and type.

Labels Description

Figure 6-1 Scheduled Visit

Complete Scheduled Visit label

Figure 6-2 Unscheduled Visit

Complete Unscheduled Visit label

Figure 6-3 Screening Visit

Complete Screening Visit label

Figure 6-4 Failed Screening Visit

Failed Screening Visit label


The subject has attended this visit and all forms are completed.

A complete scheduled visit label is displayed in a light green color. Screening and unscheduled visit labels are displayed in a light blue tone when complete.

If a subject completes the screening visit but does not meet the criteria to join the study, the visit is displayed as Failed Screening with an X icon next to the screening icon (Failed Screening icon) and the visit is displayed in a red tone.

Figure 6-5 Complete Visit with Queries

Visit with Queries label

Complete with errors

A complete visit that has open queries associated with it.

A visit with errors label contains a question mark icon (Query icon) and is displayed in a red tone.

Figure 6-6 Incomplete Scheduled Visit

Incomplete Scheduled Visit label

Figure 6-7 Incomplete Unscheduled Visit

Incomplete Unscheduled Visit label

Figure 6-8 Incomplete visit label of Withdrawn subject

Incomplete visit label of Withdrawn subject

Figure 6-9 Failed Screening Visit

Failed Screening Visit label


The visit was completed at one point, but there are now one or more required questions that are unanswered due to clearing a question's response or adding a new form or question.

The visit label contains a warning icon (Warning icon) and is displayed in a yellow color.

A subject can fail screening before completing the visit, leaving unanswered questions. In this case the visit is displayed as Incomplete and Failed Screening. This visit is displayed in a red tone.

Figure 6-10 Incomplete Visit with Queries

Visit with Queries label

Incomplete with errors

An incomplete visit that has open queries associated with it.

A visit with errors label contains a question mark icon (Query icon) and is displayed in a red tone.

Figure 6-11 Optional Visit

Optional Visit label

Depending on how a study is set up, you might be able to skip a visit that a subject misses. You can always skip an optional visit.

Figure 6-12 Skipped Visit

Skipped Visit label


The visit has been skipped and this can be due to the following reasons:

  • Not Scheduled
  • Visit Canceled
  • On Vacation
  • No Show
  • Investigator Correction
  • Data Not Available
  • Not Required per Protocol
  • Other

This visit label contains an X icon (Skipped Visit icon) and is displayed in a light purple color.

A skipped visit cannot be populated by a Data Intake integration. To resolve, undo the skipped visit and re-import the file.

Figure 6-13 Not Started Visit

Not Started Visit label
Not Started

When data is automatically loaded in a future visit, out of chronological order, through a Data Intake integration, previously not started visits are displayed with a dotted outline and a (Not Started) label. For more information review How do visits display in subject listings view, when integrations populate a future visit?

Figure 6-14 Locked Visit

Locked Visit label

The visit has been locked.

A locked visit contains a closed padlock icon (Lock icon).

Figure 6-15 Unlocked Visit

Unlocked visit tile

The visit has been unlocked.

An unlocked visit contains an open padlock icon (Unlocked padlock).


Each of these visit labels may display additional icons depending on whether the data is signed, unsigned, verified, unverified and/or frozen. See Signing, verifying, freezing, and locking icon descriptions.