Report failed to generate notification

This notification is sent when a report doesn't generate correctly.

Permissions required to receive the notification

Any role can receive this notification without assigning it a specific permission. You receive the notification if a report you tried to run didn't generate.

Field descriptions

The table below describes all fields and details in the Report failed to generate notification.


This notification also contains an introductory statement indicating that your report has failed to generate in the application.
Field Description
Title The title is comprised of two distinct elements:
  • The study's ID. For example, a study's ID can be P01-123-A3.
  • A statement about the report failing to generate.
File Name Indicates the parameters chosen for the report to run.
Study Name Indicates a study's ID, as specified by the global study creator when they created the study.
Number of Records Indicates the number of data records in the report.
Server Run Date Indicates the exact date and time when the report failed to generate. For example: 10-Nov-2022 08:07 AM.
Report Run ID Indicates the GUID of the report in the application's backend system. For example: 08B6771F54DE45A0BB576E86326BE84D.