Rule Lock notification

This notification is sent when a rule is unable to update a target due to it being locked.

Permissions required to receive the notification

Sponsor users assigned the Receive Rule Failure Notification for Locked Data will receive this notification.

Field descriptions

The table below describes all fields and details in the Rule lock notification.

Field Description
Title The title of the notification, for example, Rule Lock Notification.
Study Name Indicates a study's ID again, as specified by the global study creator when they created the study.
Study Mode Indicates the study mode associated with this notification. Displayed values can be Test, Active, or Training.
Site Name Indicates the name of the site as specified by a site manager when they created the site.
Subject Number Indicates the number of the subject.
Visit Branch Indicates the name of the visit branch.
Visit Indicates the name of the visit.
Form Indicates the name of the form containing the locked target.
Form Sequence Number Indicates the form sequence number for a repeating form.
Form Section Number Indicates the form section number for a two-section form.
Question Indicates the title of the question.
Date & Time of Notification Indicates the exact date and time of the notification. For example: 10-Nov-2022 08:07 AM.