Rules Validation Complete notification

This notification is sent once the validation of custom rules is complete, after a study has been copied and moved to testing mode, and when a form has been copied.

Permissions required to receive this notification

Anyone who is assigned the Design Custom Rules permission will receive a Rules Validation Complete notification. Rules designers will receive this notification by default when the process of validating custom rules is finished.

Field descriptions

The table below describes all fields and details in the Rules validation complete notification.


This notification includes a statement suggesting to run the Rules report for more information on invalid rules below the following fields.
Field Description
Title The title is comprised of two distinct elements:
  • The study's ID. For example, a study's ID can be P01-123-A3.
  • The title of the notification, for example, Rules Validation Complete.
Total Count of Copied Rules Indicates the total number of copied rules.
Total Validated Rules Indicates the total number of validated rules.
Validation Error Count Indicates the number of rules that encountered an error during validation.
Date/Time Completed Indicates the exact date and time of copying or rule validation. For example: 10-Nov-2022 08:07 AM.