Scheduled report notifications

These notifications are sent to users whose email address is included in the report schedule configuration.

Permissions required to receive these notifications

Users included in the report schedule configuration, and who have permissions for the report being scheduled can receive the following notifications:

  • Scheduled Report Failure Notification
  • Scheduled Report sFTP Failure Notification
  • Scheduled Report sFTP Success Notification
  • Report Scheduled Created Notification
  • Report Scheduled Activated Notification
  • Report Scheduled Deactivated Notification

Field descriptions

The table below describes all fields and details in the Report failed to generate notification.


sFTP notifications include additional information on sFTP location.

This notification also contains an introductory statement indicating that your report is now ready in the application. For example: Scheduled report has run in Clinical One and is successfully uploaded to sFTP.

Field Description
Title The title is comprised of two distinct elements:
  • The study's ID. For example, a study's ID can be P01-123-A3.
  • The report name.
  • The title of the notification, for example, Scheduled Report sFTP Success Notification.
Study Name Indicates a study's ID again, as specified by the global study creator when they created the study.
Study Mode Indicates the study mode associated with this notification. Displayed values can be Test, Active, or Training.
Report Name Indicates the name of the scheduled report.
Upload Date Indicates the date the report was uploaded.